Islam is NOT a religion. It is a political ideology under the - TopicsExpress


Islam is NOT a religion. It is a political ideology under the GUISE of religion to overthrow the US Constitution and replace it with Shariah Law. Under that law there will be NO freedom of religion because, and they say it themselves, no other religion can exist, only Islam and Shariah Law. It is an ideology of terror and murder. Everyone needs to get the idea that it is a religion, out of their heads. It is not a religion by the laws of all civilized and Christian countries. What they are doing are crimes against the laws of the United States. They intend to destroy our way of life and replace it with Shariah Law. Few crimes are more pernicious to the best interests of society than to further an ideology by terror and murder. To call what they do a religion is to offend the common sense of mankind. If beheadings, murder, rape and the extermination of all other religions except yours is a crime, than to teach, advise and counsel their practice is to aid in their commission, and such teaching and counselling are themselves criminal and proper subjects of punishment, as aiding and abetting crime are in all other cases. Maybe some will recognize this statement by the Highest Court in the US: It is assumed by counsel of the petitioner, that because no mode of worship can be established or religious tenets enforced in this country, therefore any form of worship may be followed and any tenets, however destructive of society, may be held and advocated, if asserted to be a part of the religious doctrines of those advocating and practising them. But nothing is further from the truth. Whilst legislation for the establishment of a religion is forbidden, and its free exercise permitted, it does not follow that everything which may be so called can be tolerated. Crime is not the less odious because sanctioned by what any particular sect may designate as religion. America cannot cowtowe to this ideology for obvious reasons.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:09:00 +0000

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