Island life: Phu Quoc, Vietnam: vol 1 Things to note: 1. This is - TopicsExpress


Island life: Phu Quoc, Vietnam: vol 1 Things to note: 1. This is the closest I get to living in a jungle. 2. Power is not taken for granted. It fails about once every day or two. 3. Supermarket: there is a new supermarket (the only supermarket as far as I know) but not very super. Do you have pork? No. Do you have beef? No. Just various seafood, and chicken pieces. Salt? No. Only huge quantities of MSG. Pepper? No. Rice? No. Potatoes? 4 to choose from. Other vegetables in various small quantities. Just basically less than half of the stuff you might need. 4. Because supermarket doesnt have much meat, you should go to the market. I have found pork. So far not found the beef. 5. Flies are a given at markets. You want pork, then you are going to have to accept that flies walked on it, and just wash the meat when you get home. 6. Hairdressers: A new experience, even compared to China. I am back to sign language as I have almost no Vietnamese language skill. Still not to hard to get a haircut. Washing hair is with cold water (because the weather is always hot? or hot water is too expensive?). Massaging the face was very interesting. 7. Forrest Gump was not kidding (I guess just a slight exaggeration) when he said It started raining and didnt stop for 4 months. It rains almost every day at the moment cos its wet season. 8. Bugs: Houses will have bugs. Lots of them. Some are quite big. (Ill add photos later). Big ass snails, big spiders. Then there are lizards, geckos, flies, beetles, ants, mosquitoes. Buddhists like life and dont like to kill things coming in. (Some houses dont really keep much out anyway). Ants are our friendly disposal agents. Seen this morning carting off one beetle and one wasp, out the door. Thank you ants. I will not hurt you, if you are cleaning up for me :) 9. Dogs: unlike city dogs in Western countries that react to horns etc, dogs here take no notice of traffic, tooting horns maybe so common that they dont realise its for them. 10. In case you didnt know, scooters are the main form of transportation in Vietnam. Helmets should be worn (unlike many riders in China), but children riding with family dont need to. 11. If you go somewhere with your girlfriend and her 3 year old nephew, dont be surprised if everyone thinks its your son. lol. even if he doesnt look anything like you, or white in anyway. :) 12. Street lights are out at 12. Go home. Go to bed. Nothing to do. This is not Shanghai or Shenzhen. :p To be continued...
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:22:36 +0000

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