It has been a frustrating day. The kind of day where I don’t - TopicsExpress


It has been a frustrating day. The kind of day where I don’t feel like I’m moving fast enough, my voice isn’t being heard, and the product I’m creating is useless. Towards the end of my work day a birthday challenge reminder came up. With 18 days left I felt panicked because I’m behind schedule. For the past three years my birthday challenge has been focused on completing the same number of acts of kindness as my pending age. I love this challenge! But I also realize I get very focused on what I’m doing, and forget to look around me. This year I added a new dynamic and also challenged myself to see differently, to connect, to watch as others spread their own magic, to fully experience the joy others radiate, to find and acknowledge the good. To profoundly know it’s not all about me, and be in the kinetic field produced by others. All that and respond with gratitude. Enthusiastic goal, but I wanted meaningful words that would inspire me. In the moment my reminder came up, given my day, I didn’t feel inspired, I felt dread. I knew I needed to recommit to my intention. I finished work and went out into the world. This is what happened: 15. Shout out to Donna at Fed Ex – you so patiently helped a room full of customers and managed to acknowledge each new person as we walked through the door. When it was my turn, you treated me like I was your only customer. You asked me about my holiday, the special people on the receiving end of my package, and the artist who drew the snowman and Christmas tree. You treated each of my wrapped packages like special cargo and complimented me on my wrapping. Thank you. 16. Shout out to dude at the gas station – While washing your own headlights and taillights you noticed mine were muddy and offered to wash mine as well. Thank you. 17. Shout out to Etta at my bank – three years ago when my husband and I were buying our first house you helped me with some documents at the Eastlake branch. Today, you were at the Kent branch and remembered me as if our transaction three years ago was yesterday! Thank you for your help today and for sneaking me a few extra check registers. 18. Shout out to Susan at Fred Meyer – not only were you entertaining at check-out, you hooked me up with a mass of coupons I didn’t know existed resulting in a $35.47 savings! 19. Shout out to Smithbrothers – Can I just say how amazing it is to have fresh milk, bread, and eggs delivered to my house? Liam and I enjoyed the best PB &H and ice cold glass of milk. 20. Shout out to Liam’s preschool teacher Linda – I love all that you are teaching my son, and I especially love that you are having conversations with him about respect. 21. Shout out to my neighbor Elizabeth – you always have a smile and wave for everyone in the neighborhood. 22. Shout out to Tony, Elizabeth, and Rob – you three are the best re-posters. I think there is something beautifully selfless about accepting someone else’s gift of light when your day is dark. Today I am reminded that if you face the world with intention, the universe will respond.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:37:19 +0000

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