It has been reported that during the Fanmi Lavalas and MOPOD - TopicsExpress


It has been reported that during the Fanmi Lavalas and MOPOD protest on March 29 -to mark the 27th anniversary of the Haitian Constitution -Senator Moise Jean-Charles [a member of Fanmi Lavalas or used to be] had been severely assaulted by certain members of the party -who are friendly to Dr. Marise Narcisse, the leader of the party, and hostile to the senator. If this report is factual, how come the directorate of the party has not issued a statement to condemn and rebuke such an undemocratic act? I thought they had been fighting all this time so that Haiti could be a country where the rule of law could prevail? Well, obviously, they and I dont have the same meaning for the concept rule of law. We have no place for these types of barbaric acts in our democracy. Because Senator Moise Jean-Charles, whom I disagree with on almost everything, is now at odds with Dr. Narcisse, that does not explain or justify the reason as to why he deserves to be humiliated by those whose hero he used to be. My Lavalas brothers and sisters need to understand that everybody cannot see the reality from the same political prism as them. Senator Moise Jean-Charles does not deserve to be treated in a violent manner just because he has stark disagreements with the leadership of the party. We all can have irreconcilable disagreements, yet still manage to get along with and respect each other. That is what democracy is about, and that is the mindset or spirit my LAVALAS people must embody. I dont think I am in the position to be teaching you folks the basic concepts of democracy. But in this 2014, we have got to start doing things differently, meaning as civilized human beings. The notion that someone must be killed, pelebrenized, or assaulted because of his or her opposing views is not what we Haitians should be about. We can do better than that because we are a civilized nation.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 23:53:03 +0000

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