It is amazing how people adapt a stance to serve their own goal - TopicsExpress


It is amazing how people adapt a stance to serve their own goal such as the outcry about the so called racist message sent by two innocent......white students who dressed up as two house maids.If this is racist action they should ban all Leon Schuster movies and a lot of standup comic shows locally and International.Now my real reason for this message. On Friday last I was asked by one of my grandsons friends ( both Voortrekker pupils) for a lift home as his bike was stolen the previous day (Thursday).During the drive he explained what happened and the theft turned out to be plain day light robbery and no run of the mill theft (happens all the time in SA nowadays thus the light hearted reference to stealling). As X (Jarod my grandsons friend is a bit gunshy(scared) and does not want his name mentioned) was on his way home down Chappel Street now Kerchhof or something when he picked up a puncture.He was pushing his cycle on the sidewalk on the left hand side of Chappel approaching Church Street when he was accosted by three black skinned tanned(whatever way we are allowed to identify them) grownups one brandishing a flick knife and relieved of his prized bicycle which was promptly boarded (puncture and all ) by the chubbiest of the three criminals and disappeared down the Street .Still not satisfied he was forced to hand over his cell phone and then the knife wielding fiend noticed the wrist watch and also demanded same taking his time to put it on his arm. They then turned and walked away as if it was the most naturel thing that has just occurred leaving a highly stressed out 15 year old in their wake.Now al of this happened at 15h20/30 in a busy street in front of one of these seedy/unkept cafe type of shops between the Pietermaritz Street and Church Street intersections oposite a well advertised whorehouse with a lot of eyewitnesses without any gesture of help, sympathy nor alarm uttered. As he had to walk al the way to his place of residence in Alexander Road he went to report the robbery to the police station owin Alex. Road just to be told he was at the wrong police station and had to report it to the Loop Street police staion as the robbery took place within their (Loop) jurisdiction.Now what are we to do as does this action and non action from the eyewitnesses and the police force (all non white participants and the victim the only white) not smack of racism in its most vile of formats. That in short my story and please what suggestions are there to not make this stop here. Not so long ago Voortrekker School was lambasted for i nitiation type of conduct unbecoming but here we have their pupils robbed by armed villains in full view of its citizens and not an eyebrow lifted to try and stop the bastards and/or assist the so white child.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 09:15:41 +0000

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