It is amazing just how much we Muslims are so preoccupied with - TopicsExpress


It is amazing just how much we Muslims are so preoccupied with what non-Muslims think of us we have forsaken our own interests as a nation. While so-called Muslim politicians are falling all over each other to take part in the US-led coalition against ISIS and Muslim religious leaders and organizations are busy raving and ranting about the un-islamicness of ISIS, everyday Muslims are fighting and dying for the sake of this Deen from one corner of the world to the other. You will not see them on your televisions or know their names, they will not graze the covers of magazines or receive Nobel peace prizes and yet they have more dignity, Taqwa and courage then most of our so-called religious leaders, politicians and celebrities put together. On October 8th, the forces of the rogue State of Israel stormed the Al-Aqsa compound in order to remove the Muslim worshipers ahead of a visit from right-wing Israelis on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, or the Feast of the Tabernacles. This is our 3rd holiest place after Mecca and Medina, this is the very place the ascension of our beloved Prophet (saw) to the heavens occurred and yet you will not find any Muslim coalition poised to defend it. No jets to protect it and no soldiers to preserve it. What you find are the countless men, women and children of Palestine who on a daily basis risk their bodies, their freedom and their lives in order to maintain whatever little bit of our dignity remains as an Ummah. May Allah aza wajal grant them the best in this Dunya and in the Akhira. Ameen. youtube/watch?v=vg8YmjnjDa4
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:24:06 +0000

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