It is amazing the range of emotions a singular person can make you - TopicsExpress


It is amazing the range of emotions a singular person can make you feel. It is even more amazing the one-in-a-million chance of running into a person you would trust enough to allow and accept said emotions from. Feelings range from every end of the spectrum: pain, happiness, fear, excitement, love, hate, anger, anxiety, jealousy, trust, arousal, attraction, and deceit. Of course, everybody has that one person in their life that has pained them beyond the ability to fully recover. For a select few, happiness can be found in the simplest of elements. The same applies with fear. Excitement is based off our dreams and goals that we aspire to make a reality. We, as a human race, are raised to believe that hate is a strong word that should never be used to describe another of the same race. Still, none of us can deny our strong dislike for another. Anger is a part of life that comes with the hassles that each new day brings; it is connected to stress. Anxiety can be brought on by anything underneath the sun. Some revel in its brilliance while others let it fester within them until it threatens to burst from their soul and consume everything within its grasp. Jealousy is simple enough; it is the desire to claim what somebody else possesses. It could be the desire of good looks, book smarts, a characteristic that you lack, a child, or profession. The most important of all emotions is trust. Trust is believing that no matter the ammo a person is given, they will not use it to harm or disarm you in any possible way. Arousal, well, if you don’t know what it is by now, you may never know! Now, attraction is separated into two halves: physical and emotional. You could be physically attracted to somebody’s looks or the way in which they carry themselves. However, one could also fall for the traits a particular person is made up of. This goes to include their morals and beliefs. Sadly, deceit is a part of life as well. As with most emotions, this rather small word covers a wide range of actions- cheating on a paper or test, manipulation, cheating a spouse, betrayal, and treachery. However, the real question is... what is love? Love is the ability to withstand a person who can make you feel all of these things, all at once, at even given moment in the day. It is the ability to remain in the same room with them no matter how upset you are at their thoughts or actions and it is their ability to soothe your troubled mind with a simple word or delicate touch. It greatly pains you not to fall asleep next to them and wake to their touch in the morning. You find happiness in the smile you share together and the simple deeds you accomplish. A constant fear swells up in your chest, the fear of losing them. That could be either forever or just to another. Still, even with that overwhelming fear, you still find yourself excited to find out just what the future has in store for the two of you. Hate is such a strong word but yet, you find yourself hating the control they have over your every thought and movement, when you yourself have lost all that control. Of course, there are times when you find yourself angry with their selfishness, ignorance, or the fact that they left their sock hanging over the couch. However, after only a few moments, forgiveness is welcomed with open arms and everything is once again peaceful. Many times, you find yourself anxious, anticipating what their next course of action will be. Thoughts race through your mind as you try to dive deep into their own thoughts and extract the information you find so valuable. Then, there is that momentary lapse in your judgement when you find yourself becoming more and more jealous of the contact they have with people, other than yourself. This is especially true when you have no way of seeing that person as much as you would like. It isn’t long before you wish to be the one they talk to constantly or the one they accidently run into while walking the halls or to their parked car. Love is, as the old saying goes, Giving somebody the ability to break your heart but trusting them not to. Arousal is not a must have in loving somebody but it is a rather big plus. It is human nature to mate and reproduce. That is how we, as a race, survive. That, however, is not the point. Intimacy is also a very trusting ordeal. You have to trust your loved one to be gentle as you offer to them your entire being. For several shallow people throughout the world, attraction is a must in their books. You can’t wake up next to the person in the morning and go Damn! What in the hell was I thinking and what in the hell did I have to drink last night?Love is seeing them as being as close to perfect as it gets, even at their worse. You couldn’t picture anybody anymore handsome or beautiful than them, especially when they wake up in the morning with 5 o’clock shadow, bed head, and no make-up. Sadly, in loving somebody, deceit manages to poke its fangs into the delicate, rosy flesh of our beating hearts. It may not always end in a tragedy but it will cause a great deal of unrest, mishaps, and loss of trust. As said before, loving somebody is housing the ability to give as well as receive all of these feelings and emotions all at once. Look, I understand that I am only 18-years-old and I am a writer. That means I know nothing of what I speak and as a writer, I have the power to twist and manipulate words to my benefit. However, that is an argument I will argue until I am blue in the face. I can write of it because I have experienced all aspects of love. Loving somebody doesn’t have to include only your special someone who you believe is in angel sent by God himself. Love can be given and received by anybody worthy of such an act. We can love our angels, friends, family, and yes, even strangers. It is in times of great peril, such as the days we live, that love becomes a stronger antidote than anybody could ever imagined. My suggestion is this, don’t run from your ability to love and be loved by another. Rather, embrace it and hold it close to you because that is the one thing that no imprisonment can take from you. It is our loved ones that are expected to help us through the hard times when we ourselves cannot do it alone. So call, text, e-mail, write, or send smoke signals to that special soldier, mother, father, sibling, friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, or husband. You are never promised tomorrow, so let others know how you feel now, before your breaths fail you and you regret the things that were never spoken.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 02:54:44 +0000

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