It is exactly 2 years 7 days since that Day, when it rained, - TopicsExpress


It is exactly 2 years 7 days since that Day, when it rained, rained, rained and rained but at the end of the day, I became MRS. and was merged with one man who has been a perfect fit to my life. I get stressed at work, look at my phone and I start to dial 0721......, and he assures me that all is well and says our signature statement-->My best friend. Our baby is unwell at night, I feel down and weak cant even pray and he holds her and says a prayer to God---->Always strong at my weak points. Beside our bed, we hold hands and thank God for the day and trust Him for protection at night --->My prayer partner, During my prayer days, he wakes me up at 3am to pray and supports all the ministries rested upon me by You God--->My extra support Pillar. Lack words to express my gratitude to you Lord. 24 months have gone by and it looks like I met him yesterday, The passion, admiration, attraction, affection still as strong. I am BLESSED
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:43:59 +0000

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