It is job of the False Prophet to bring the Mark of the Beast on - TopicsExpress


It is job of the False Prophet to bring the Mark of the Beast on the world stage, it appears that the mark will be in the form of a rice size micro-chip called the veri- chip, to be read by a RFID reader. Those whos name are not written in the Lamb s Book of Life will be deceived into taking it. Many people are thinking that God will save them, well the truth is there is already a Plan of Salvation that went into effect 2000 years ago, it is called The Plan of Redemption, Jesus Christ was the sacrificial Lamb that paid the price for mans sin, you see folks, when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, all mankind sin after him. God had to send a perfect sacrifice to undo what Adam had done, so He Sent Jesus, born of a woman, with the blood of deity in his veins, he was the perfect sacrifice in that he was not born of sinful blood, he came into the earth legally to pay the price as a ransom. Until Jesus came satan held you and I hostage and bondage to sin. We were destined to hell because of one mans sin. Jesus by Gods amazing grace came into the earth and kept the old law perfectly, no other man or prophet was able to achieve this amazing task, then after he kept the law, God made him to be sin, because he had not sinned, he was able to die as a perfect unblemished substitutional lamb for your sin and mine. When it was finished on the cross, Jesuss spirit which had become sin, was ushered to hell, to pay the eternal price for sin, (this payment was to satisfy Gods eternal justice,) the torture and torment he took, is the same torture that every person does not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Personal Savior will receive. On the 3rd day, Jesus was born again in the spirit, he was made alive, the plan was almost complete, he now had to place his blood in Heaven on the MERCY SEAT, after which Justice was finally served, now all of mankind had a way back to God by accepting the free gift of Salvation that was purchase by the Lamb of God Amen. God had establish a way that mankind could be reconciled to him through the sacrifice of his own Son. This is the Good News, This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 01:25:52 +0000

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