It is nearly 1 a.m. (my time) as I write this. I am up and awake - TopicsExpress


It is nearly 1 a.m. (my time) as I write this. I am up and awake at this unusual hour (for me) with an important message about really listening to our bodies. I will spare us all the gruesome image; trust me, it isn’t pretty. I returned to work on Wednesday, after taking two days off to move my family to our new home. I know moving can take its toll on everyone; however, when it happens to ‘me,’ the message becomes one that yearns to be shared. My cubicle neighbor, Lauren, was surprised to see me back; thinking I would take off the whole week. Honestly, it felt like a relief to be back to working with words instead of moving boxes. I told few people about my broken toe and painful foot, in my quest to get through the day with as little disruption as possible. Midway through the afternoon, I felt myself feeling very cold and fighting to keep my eyes open, seeking a siesta. Clearly, my body wanted to sleep, and maybe it would have been wise to put the sofa in the vestibule of the ladies’ room to some good use (presuming that is why it is there, of course). Instead, I bundled up with my sweater and scarf and fought to remain awake. Goodness knows how I must have looked, or how many times my eyelids stayed closed just a little too long. A few hours later, two more kindly co-workers, Amanda and Jennan, drove me home. We are still getting to know each other and they remind me a great deal of my son and daughter-in-love, Chris and Diana. My friend, Julie, was here with her husband. They were kind enough to hook up my washer and dryer and help motivate the kids to unpacking a few more boxes. After taking out the old dishwasher and switching the stove for the one we brought in, they took their leave and we ordered dinner, which came around 8:30 p.m. Yes, we were hungry, but I found myself barely able to eat (again, unusual for me). My foot needed to be tended to, but my body was virtually yelling for its much longed-for sleep. I felt on the verge of feverish (and did have a slight elevation when I checked). My insides felt like mushy jelly and all I needed was to get really warm under some blankets. That was around 9 p.m. I thoroughly expected to be out for the night. I awoke at midnight; very surprised to find that it was only about three hours after I went to bed. The nap sure did the trick, and now I can tend to the foot that is waiting patiently for me. The reality hits home that I am no longer a spring chicken, as if the whiter hairs on my head are not enough of a clue, and that at some point, our physical being will do whatever it must to scream for attention. Whether we yell, scream, cry, pound, sleep, think, or dream, we do need to process the reality of our natural situation—whatever that may happen to be. Ignoring the body, for whatever good reason there may be, can end up leaving us feeling quite ill, in so many ways. Life, with all its many demands and pressures can take its toll. How much time do we really take, and how well do we listen to our basic, physical needs? It may not take a whole lot of time, or be all that intrusive, but it is a necessary part of the change and healing we experience in life. Off to manage some very early morning mischief. ;) ~ Blessings!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:39:47 +0000

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