It is not just the directors, it is the veterinarians that mass - TopicsExpress


It is not just the directors, it is the veterinarians that mass murder for hire. They break all of the ethical codes of their profession, which is to preserve life and only euthanize in extreme mercy cases. In my opinion the vets that accept payments for mass murdering PERFECTLY HEALTHY ADOPTABLE animals should be disciplined with removal of their licenses to practice medicine because they are corrupt and greedy, which signifies that they place their greed for money over the welfare of animals whom they promised to heal, save, and preserve when they became medical professionals. Shame on them! They hide their true identities because they KNOW what they are doing is totally against what they are trained to do. Lets start with exposing who they are and reporting them to their states licensing authorities to remove and bar them from abusing and murdering innocent and helpless animals who have done nothing wrong and dont deserve to die by. Many times, the animals experience slow, painful heart sticks, heinous gassings, and poisons through their veins. Numerous people have come forward anonymously to report what they have witnessed or been forced to do in their employment of shelters, especially NYC AC&C. There have been reports of vets missing the hearts and repeatedly stabbing animals who are alive and conscious and in agonizing pain throughout the murder proceedings. If the states and public begin to SHUN these veterinarians who have turned their backs on preserving lives, then, shelters will not be able to hire for murder because the risk of losing practices, licenses, and careers. I believe this is a tremendous factor to be considered toward a no-kill stance. Thank you, Valerie Tomasevic
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:47:27 +0000

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