It is now public knowledge that Sophia Yin committed suicide on - TopicsExpress


It is now public knowledge that Sophia Yin committed suicide on September 29th. Im writing this now because the sudden death of such a young, vital person is difficult enough to deal with, but knowing that she took her own life is especially hard. Ive struggled with it for days, unable to wrap my mind around something that seems so difficult to get a handle on. It must be something like having a child die... it is horribly painful when a parent dies, but somehow it makes sense. Not so when someone who shouldnt die does, like a child dies before their parent, or a person takes their own life. I have found comfort in a few sources, which is why I am writing this here--in the belief that comfort is greatly needed. I cant lend you my dear, loving husband or cuddly wonderful dogs, nor can I provide you the entire half of an apple pie that I consumed last night in a desperate attempt to self medicate, but I can send you to a source that I have found invaluable. Brene Brown, researcher, writer and speaker extraordinaire, wrote a beautiful blog on August 14th about coping with painful news about others. Ive linked to it below, and I highly recommend it. I spent an hour this morning re-reading her book, Daring Greatly, one of my favorite books of all time. If I was sent to an island, that is the book I would take. I also feel compelled, given the destructive power of depression and mental illness, to provide a phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1-800-273-8255. Be well. Pet your dog. Hug your friends and family. And most importantly, be as compassionate to yourselves as you are to others.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:08:01 +0000

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