It is one of the rarest plays in baseball. It is rarer than a - TopicsExpress


It is one of the rarest plays in baseball. It is rarer than a perfect game, a triple play or an inside the park home run. It’s the triple error. The only way I know of to pull it off is for the second baseman or shortstop to fumble the ball that’s hit to him, have it roll to the other (second baseman or shortstop) who throws it back to him, which he promptly drops, still flustered from the first error, and, in general panic, having missed the out on the lead runner, throws to first base to get at least one out and ends up throwing it in haste over the first baseman’s reach. Most people I know have never seen one. In baseball. But, we can all tell our grandchildren that we have seen one in foreign relations. Yes, Barack Obama has pulled off this extremely rare, perhaps unprecedented, triple error. In Egypt. Mubarak, you may recall, while not our best friend, was clearly in our camp, cooperating in Israel and generally holding down the fort against terrorism. So how did Barack Obama reward our friend? When the chips were down and he needed our help to stay in power, Obama pulled the rug out from under him demanding his recognition, et tu Brute style. First error. After the revolution, there was still a question as to who would take over Egypt. We had serious economic clout that could have been employed to keep out our worst nightmare, the Moslem Brotherhood. You may recall that the Moslem Brotherhood was the father of Hamas and numerous other terror organizations. Mubarak had declared them to be illegal for a reason. What did Obama do? He welcomed Morsi and the Moslem Brotherhood, immediately stated that America would not halt economic aid to Egypt and generally publicly supported the usurpation of the revolution by the Moslem Brotherhood. Second Error. Then, when Morsi proved to be quite undemocratic and began the process of subjugating his people and paving the way for Sharia law, the people revolted once again. What did Obama do? He tried to stop the revolution – rather than condemning Morsi for attacking his own people in the revolution – and, while not exactly calling the transition of power a “coup” made enough statements to make clear that this is exactly what he considered it to be. But he didn’t stop there. He then announced that the shipments of F16’s that he was willing to send to the terrorist Moslem Brotherhood would now be terminated unilaterally (screw Congress) because of the change in government from a terrorist organization trying to impose Sharia law to a government run by the only stable, pro-Western organization in Egypt, the military. The result? In the streets today, the supporters of the military, who were clearly pro-West before, now carry signs with pictures of El-Sisi (the current leader), Nasser (remember him?) and Putin (their new foreign hero). This has a lot to do with the fact that as soon as Obama decided he would be against democracy in Egypt (democracy is not just a “vote” but a means of governing) and would suspend needed military supplies to fight terrorism and defend against Iran, Putin – who is Iran’s biggest supporter, stepped in wasting no time in capitalizing on Obama’s inherent stupidity and promised to replace the F16’s with Russian jets. Third error. History. Indeed. History that will be debated for generations to come as to how the United States went from being the only superpower in the world to having absolutely no say in anything that happened in the Middle East in the course of a single administration. Just like Harry Truman singlehandedly lost China, Obama has lost the Middle East. Triple error. Almost impossible to pull off. Yes we can.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 21:30:12 +0000

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