It is sad to hear, that One of my friends who lives in New York - TopicsExpress


It is sad to hear, that One of my friends who lives in New York City, & Is jewish, Someone contacted him via my facebook, threatened him with a bullet in his head. Please be aware of what you say, as You are putting yourself in danger by saying things like this, facebook will give access to your information to FBI or to any other police upon warrant and You can go to jail over something you write to someone over here. One should not have such ideas, the bullet of today is your keyboard, try to convince the person & if they are not ready to listen, it is not upto you to convince them, It is upto god to give them the right path, Prophets PBUH own uncle did not become muslim, but he was not prosecuted for having a different belief, Nor should you threaten someone for having different belief than you. You live in a global Village, learn to respect others opinions.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 09:20:55 +0000

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