It never ceases to amaze me how so many conservatives still - TopicsExpress


It never ceases to amaze me how so many conservatives still believe in the laughable Fox News motto of “fair and balanced.” I think that’s honestly one of the things that bothers me so much about Fox News. It’s not just their trash journalism, or blatant misinformation, it’s that they honestly try to portray themselves as the lone beacon of truth. Which is, of course, absolutely ridiculous. Fox News has done more to divide this nation than pretty much any other entity I can think of. It’s what the network thrives on. I honestly believe there are meetings that are held at the network where people sit around in a room brainstorming ideas of how to link just about everything negative that’s going on in the world to President Obama or Democrats. Let’s just look at a few of the stories I’ve covered recently about the utter nonsense that has been said on the network: Filling in for Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingraham outlandishly tried to claim that President Obama’s comments on Ferguson were meant to distract Americans from his failures and “gin up the base” heading into this year’s elections. A featured doctor on Fox News, Keith Ablow, said that Michelle Obama shouldn’t be giving anyone advice on how to eat healthy because she needs to drop a few pounds. Eric Bolling challenged Muslims to a “holy war.” One of their “legal experts,” Jeanine Pirro, claimed that President Obama planned the immigration crisis to fundamentally change the demographics of the United States. The network scheduled a two part interview with Bill Ayers that ultimately turned out to be nothing but an elaborate setup to try to get Ayers to admit he has some kind of relationship with President Obama. Fox News also tried to blame President Obama for the release of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, which actually occurred while George W. Bush was president. They even tried to blame rising gas prices caused by the escalating violence in Iraq on Obama. When the VA scandal was making headlines, The Five co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle exploited this scandal to push the myth that the Affordable Care Act was a government takeover of our health care industry. The network was also apparently outraged because a meteorologist doing an interview with President Obama on climate change refused to ask him about Benghazi. And that was around the same time that they dumped out of a President Obama press conference because there were no Benghazi questions being asked. Then there was that time they tried to blame the recent Fort Hood shooting on the president. Or that time they attacked him as a parent for daring to be photographed buying two pink sweaters for his daughters. I’ll go ahead and stop there. And those stories aren’t even all of them. Those are just a few I picked out over the last 4-6 months. I didn’t even get into how fact-checking site Politifact found that, in the comments they’ve investigated from the network, Fox News only told the truth 18 percent of the time. Or when one of their contributors, Lauren Ashburn, said that Fox News shouldn’t be held accountable for conspiracy theories or misinformation pushed on the network. Yet many of the people on Fox News have the gall to claim that President Obama is the one dividing Americans. All these people do is divide. Pretty much every feature show they have from dusk till late evening is nothing more than shows filled with conservatives spending 90 percent of the time bashing anything and everything to do with Democrats and President Obama. And I wouldn’t even have as much of a problem with it if they would just admit to the fact that they’re a shill for the Republican party. But they don’t. Instead they push their usual propaganda that they’re the only news source anyone can trust, while being nothing more than a blatant propaganda machine for the GOP. The real Fox News motto shouldn’t be “fair and balanced,” it should be “we tell conservatives what they want to hear.” Related Posts on Forward Progressives: Fox News Contributor Whines ‘It’s Just Not Fair’ to Hold Network… Fox News Host Embarrassed By Fact Checkers After Blaming Obama for Bush Mistake Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time Fox News Host Ridiculously Tries to Claim Obama Planned Immigration Crisis (Video) Filed Under: Right Off A Cliff Tagged With: conservative stupidity, fox news, fox news lies
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:55:27 +0000

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