It never seizes to amaze me how truly immature haunters and - TopicsExpress


It never seizes to amaze me how truly immature haunters and monsters can be. Ive seen it range from Facebook posts or IMs to emails and texts. I think the saddest form are the slander-filled comments written on Rick & Johannas Theme Park Adventure YouTube channel videos. Here two individuals are, trying to keep the peace and be supportive of every haunt group or organization out there, and some idiots come along to mess that all up. Those videos are to showcase a sampling of each teams work for the season, not a forum to debate how much better another haunt is or how bad that particular haunt is. Hiding behind a fake alias to make said comments doesnt really protect you as well as one might think. All lot of individuals work really hard to put on Haunt, and when I hear someone say Not Scary Farm--it makes me ill. Trying to appease hundreds of thousands with one format is a very tough thing to do. Theres also no reason to make haunt business a personal matter. Finding out this morning that an opposing haunter went to the extremity of blocking or removing us from any and all of their Facebook content is both hilarious and mind blowing, especially since ALL of the individuals who work for or with me remain friendly or even work for other haunts (since we only operate minimal dates each season). Even the few that may have beefs out there, have been very respectful of my business over the years and have never used it as a mast and sail to parade around and publicly drag someone else through the mud. To those out there that this applies to, I have a New Years resolution for you in 2015--GROW UP.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 21:41:46 +0000

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