It only takes a naïve idiot to not see what the French government - TopicsExpress


It only takes a naïve idiot to not see what the French government is doing. Its nitpicking incidental death of a Muslim police officer at the hands of terrorists and an incidental supermarket employee who saved several victims during the attack. Algerian Muslims are deeply integrated in the French society and they can be found everywhere in France. They are trying to keep the situation from escalating in France. If you have even an ounce of intelligence, please stop buying into the politically correct propaganda. It all seems too familiar. This is what the Indian government and the media does every time a terrorist attack in India happens. Eventually it all boils down to you not being allowed to even present a criticism of Islam. No Abrahamic faith takes personal offense like Islam does. You cannot ignore the fact that the terrorists were al-Qaeda trained attackers that killed cartoonists and then held the city hostage in a planned attack. After the attack in France I will never view this faith in the same light. Every time something like this happens, big claims are made of Islam being a religion of peace. Then all kinds of conspiracy theories start flowing out. Then incidental deaths or bravado of Muslim citizens of the attacked country is dug out, who could have been anyone, but being Muslim it gains traction. In a few months youre back. The climax is that Muslim intellectuals end up playing the race card and victim blaming. It is all pretty standard and familiar. Not to mention how any inconvenient Muslim of one group is a false Muslim to another group. Sorry, but Im just not that stupid to lap up propaganda. #JeSuisCharlie #JeNeSuisPasAhmed
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 04:06:05 +0000

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