It seems hard to believe that you grew from that little baby into - TopicsExpress


It seems hard to believe that you grew from that little baby into a friend of mine. From my child to my equal. If there is one urgent thought I want to leave in your ear with this parting hug it is that I want you to be strong. I don’t mean hard and brittle, the tree that won’t bend with the storm will snap in two. I hope you will flex and give and then stand straight again with your roots where they ought to be. And being strong doesn’t mean having all the answers. Even when you are in charge of something don’t be afraid not to know exactly what you are doing. Ask questions. Some people may look at you funny, worried at your hesitation but they are only showing their own frailty. I have known some strong people and they were not afraid to hold their own uncertain ground while they searched for the solution. It takes courage to be creative and we are going to need your creativity or we are done for. Steer clear of ideology. Like jargon it can be a substitute for thought, the lure of the simple solution can lead to handing over your life to people who make the trains run on time but take away your freedom to go where you want on those trains. Be open to change. And take risks. That is the adventure and the art of life. Find the bridge between constancy and experiment. Be flexible but principled. Be a dissenter but be patriotic. Be disciplined but improvised. Freud said ‘health is the ability to work and to love’. At a third be playful at the most serious things in life. You will enjoy them more and have them longer. Playfulness is a sudden shift of vision, an affectionate dissent. It brings you closer to what you love. Be flexible about your dreams. Say hello to change. But i know you’ll be ok. Your laughter, your energy, your youthful optimism that makes me know that life is possible. I wish I had a better world to give you. But maybe we can work on one together now. So long my child, hello my friend.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:59:15 +0000

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