It sometimes seems that people forget that when you post something - TopicsExpress


It sometimes seems that people forget that when you post something on Facebook youre publicly endorsing it. To all people you know (and possibly people you dont), you are sharing/showing or saying something that you believe is good and right and important. Important enough to take the time to have other people read it and respond to it. Yet, when people do read and respond (as is invited by the public posting) the original poster often gets upset/irritated/annoyed/angry that the people responding dont just agree and giggle, but sometimes disagree, argue, take issue with, and push back against the original post. If I post something on Facebook, or anywhere else public, I am actively pursuing a discussion. Thats the point of making something public. Especially something potentially inflammatory. I will never get angry at you for disagreeing with me. Calling me names, or reacting with pure offense and being unwilling to really discuss something, sure, thatll make me angry, but Id much rather engage in an honest public debate than post random pictures of cats. Facebook has the potential to spark and encourage huge public debates on whatever we think is important. Thats something that no other generation has ever had--a free, global publishing venue that anyone can access (at least in theory). I tell my students, and believe to my core, that all views should be out there to be heard and responded to. Even the ones that make me sick to my stomach. I want to hear them, I want to know why they exist, I want to understand where they come from, and I want my voice up against them. Publicly. John Stuart Mill argued that truth is impossible to find if voices are silenced. Government is not the only entity that can silence opinions, thoughts, and views and therefore suppress truth-- culture is really really good at it too. I want to learn things. I want to find truth. Thats why Im an academic, its why I read, and yes, its why Im on Facebook. To hear the opinions of people I deeply disagree with. To argue with them. To, hopefully, find something approaching truth and be able to explain and defend it especially to my most verdant critics. Thats the point of talking, of reading, of living with other people around you. At least, thats my point of view.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:47:54 +0000

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