It takes a while to find yourself...after youve tried to be who - TopicsExpress


It takes a while to find yourself...after youve tried to be who everyone else thinks you are, and/or have spent great amounts of energy striving to be who they want you to be, you finally come to a place in life when you realize that who you really are is good enough...defining yourself on your terms is one of the greatest and most liberating breakthroughs in life that you will ever experience, but you cant be yourself if you dont know, understand, and totally and completely accept yourself requires some effort, and you have to cut through a lot of noise and shut off the voices of other people in your head, but when you make the time to dwell upon what you value and take time to consider what makes up the essence of who you really are, you start moving in the right direction...contemplate your life and choices and objectively think about what kinds of things you would or wouldnt like to do, and act accordingly...and, by the way, its really OK to find out most of that through trial and fact, it helps more than you might think it does...thats why at some point you have to re-define failure...personally, I dont even think it exists...I think its all just lessons that need to be learned...David could not fight Goliath wearing Sauls armor...remember that...make sure that any and all self-defining you do is based on your own terms and is something you feel absolutely comfortable may feel self-conscious, and it may take a minute to settle in to your own confidence, but over time if you are around the right type of people for you, they will accept you for who you really finding your values, dont be surprised if some of them seem to conflict...its just a part of the growth process, and is a natural result of taking on broad values from a variety of sources (culture, progressive theology, mentors, inspiring people, educational sources, etc.)...its totally cool to continue working through these conflicts to resolve what values feel most true to yourself, because its your life and your journey...have a beautiful day!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:23:33 +0000

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