It time for what youve been waiting for. The Dawg House starts - TopicsExpress


It time for what youve been waiting for. The Dawg House starts right now. I am your host, Robert D. Oberman. Please welcome my guest, Wildman Robbie Paige. Robert D. Oberman Lets get down to business. What got you started in wrestling? Robert Paige What got me started in wrestling just being a fan growing up Ive always felt I had wrestling in my blood. Robert D. Oberman How long have you been wrestling? Robert Paige Since May 2003. Robert Paige Sorry 2004 May. Robert D. Oberman 10 years. To some that is a long time. How many matches do you estimate that you have been in? Robert Paige Between 1300-1600 or more kind of lost track once I hit 1000. Robert D. Oberman Wow, that is a lot. Now with all of those matches, what has been your best match? Robert Paige I cant really pick just one. I feel I give it my best every time 110% you would have to break down that question. Robert D. Oberman So far my favorite match of yours took place a few months ago. Inwood, WV for LTW against MrXcellence Brandon Scott. Great match. What are your thoughts of that match? Robert Paige Great thoughts I remember when I was training and Brandon was refereeing matches. I used to go down every Saturday, religiously and help him with training and to see how he has grown and places hes went. It’s awesome. Id wrestle Brandon anytime; he is a great challenge and opponent. Robert D. Oberman Speaking of training, I was told that you have trained Tjay Sykes. Who else have you trained with? Robert Paige Ive been working with a lot of younger talent for last 2 years trying to push them to be the best they can be. Tjay has really leaped in the right direction he has been making waves in several leagues. Robert Paige I started my training at NWL/Hopwf, was there 4 days or more every week nonstop for almost 4 years. Robert Paige 3yrs 5 months 4 days a week thats for some younger guys reading dedication key thing u got to want it. Robert D. Oberman Now I have noticed that most Indy wrestlers wrestle for more than one league. Which leagues do you wrestle in? Robert Paige Currently Elite Pro Wrestling, Alliance Championship Pro Wrestling, Independent Wrestling Federation, Ground Xero Wrestling, and LTW Wrestling. Robert D. Oberman Quite a few. How many titles have you won? Robert Paige I have won a few NWL/HOP tag titles, CPW tag titles, IPE tag titles, Elite Pro tag titles, and Elite cruiserweight title. Robert D. Oberman What style do you consider yourself? I.e. grappler, brawler, high-flyer. Robert Paige Versatile and adaptable. Robert D. Oberman Who would you call your biggest rival/nemesis? Robert Paige My biggest rival nemesis Id have to say someone that I started in this business with tagged with and wrestled many times 2 Fine Chris Cline or someone I used to go watch when I was younger and has helped guide me over the years Shane Shadows. Robert D. Oberman What is your finishing move called? Robert Paige Concussion kick. Robert D. Oberman If you could choose one opponent for your dream match, regardless of organization, who would that be and why? Robert Paige Thats hard to say man, dream matches are what it is a dream, but if Im dreaming Id go with Steamboat, Muta, RVD, or Tajiri. Robert D. Oberman Now you have a big match this Sunday. Can you tell me who else is involved? Robert Paige This Sunday Robert D. Oberman Yes, June 22. Robert Paige Myself and Rhino vs. Jake Davis and Leslie Leatherman The Highwaymen with Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle as special ring enforcer. Robert D. Oberman Ok, my brother wanted to know where you got the unique design of your face paint? Robert Paige As for my face paint Im always thinking of different things I wear it as if it were my war paint it helps me prepare for battle. Robert D. Oberman NWL/HOP has brought a lot of guys into wrestling. Are they the best trainers in the area? Robert Paige NWL is only place in area that offers training 7 days a week. Robert D. Oberman Do you have any special training that helps in the ring? Like martial arts, for instance. Robert Paige Yeah having plays sports like baseball and soccer amateur wrestling and 8 yrs training and studying martial arts helped a great deal in adapting in a wrestling ring and overcoming challenges and obstacles along the way. Robert D. Oberman Who is the biggest superstar that you have wrestled? Robert Paige Would have to say Sonjay Dutt personally because he pushed me to the next level gave me confidence in myself and treated me with true professionalism gave me great advice and great challenges he offered to team up with me when I had no partner for Elite tag tournament and we went on to win 3 matches in 1 night to become Elites 1st tag champs. Robert D. Oberman Last question, when you call your career over, how do you want people to remember you? Robert Paige How would I want people to remember me? Robert D. Oberman Yes, what would you like them to say about your career? Robert D. Oberman I know that for me, you are bigger than your size. No backing down and always a joy to watch. Robert Paige Someone who gave it his all every time he stepped in the ring someone with honor and full of action packed excitement. Robert D. Oberman Well we are out of time. I want to thank you sir for your valuable time. It was truly an honor and a pleasure. Any parting words for your fans? Robert Paige If u looking for some wrestling action this weekend come out to the elites pro 5 yr show and support Indy wrestling until then keep that adrenaline flowing!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:59:26 +0000

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