It was a winter day, in 2005, when the two boys of the Bădărău - TopicsExpress


It was a winter day, in 2005, when the two boys of the Bădărău family were asking their parents, Vasile and Liliana, permission for sledging out in the snow. They were not easily persuaded, but, as the boys insisted, finally love ``opened the door``. With permission in their pockets, the two left happily in a hurry. Not as joyful was the return of Alex, the elder brother, who came back to let his parents know that Paul, his little brother, was hit and could not stay on his feet. Finally, Paul, carried on his father`s arms reached the Sfânta Maria Hospital in Iasi. Without having performed a radiography, the doctors immobilized his leg in gypsum. The leg still hurt and his toes turned blue. Seeing their child suffering, his parents called the doctor on duty, who cuts the gypsum up to the boy`s knee, considering it too tight, and then puts the gypsum back. The pain continued until the next day and the boy could not sleep. Finally, a radiography was performed and he was diagnosed with a severe form of femur fracture . After this followed two weeks of hospitalizing, during which in the boy`s leg was introduced a rod in order to allow the recovery of the bone. But, when operated, he was infected with staphylococcus aureus, infection that will spread in the whole operated wound; the doctors introduced a drainage system that was maintained for 6 months. The Hospital in Iasi runs out of ideas, so the patient is transfered to the Marie Curie Hospital in Bucharest. Here, for a month, he is treated with anitibiotics and the rod is removed, instead of which is placed an external device. As a result of the treatment, the patient becomes alergic to antibiotics, reducing thus the chances for a quick recovery. And, as if fate ``had to be even more cruel``, Paul is diagnosed with osteomyelitis (an infection of the bones and even of the bone marrow). The doctors in Bucharest suggest a single ``cure``: amputating the whole leg. Amputating the leg!?! It seemed that this blow was not enough, for another misfortune brought dark clouds upon the Bădărăus. Liliana, the mother, had a pregnancy of six months. Seeing her child lying on a hospital bed, threatened with prospect of losing his leg, she had a miscarriage. ``She was a girl``, said to me Vasile, a man exhausted by the troubles that he has to endure in Romania, by the bureaucracy of medical system, by helplessness and especially by the suffering of Paul and his family. He has found out that in Italy, at the Rizzoli Clinic in Bologna are the best of the specialists! ``There is still hope for my child!`` So he started knocking at every door to obtain the documents that were needed. But those responsible for the health state of the child (responsibility proven by hundreds of documents that Vasile is still carrying with him as something sacred) refused to help him! Why have they refused? The reason is known only to them! The last door that he tried was that of a newspaper, Jurnalul Național. He met here people dedicated to their profession, people that took upon them the task of being an advocate for a cause that was already lost in the face of a treacherous and corrupt system. As a result of the printing this case and the publicity that Jurnalul Național, someone decides to sign the E 112 form that allowed for Paul to be operated in Bologna. Once they reach the Rizzoli Clinic in Bologna, the doctors made numerous medical tests on Paul. Meanwhile, the manager of the Clinic, who was working on Paul`s file discovered that the E 112 form was filled in in such a manner that it wouldn`t cover the expenses for the operation. After years of suffering… Yet, Paul had the chance of meeting the manager, a kind person. Together with a committee of 12 doctors, they analyzed the situation created by the Romanian doctors and the results of the medical tests and have decided that it was an emergency situation and Paul needed to be operated as soon as possible. The necessary papers are obtained as fast as possible because of an emergency procedure and, on the 5th of May, 2011, Paul is operated by a team of no less than 12 doctors. Today, a year after the operation, Paul is in Bologna with his father. It happened (or, maybe it was more than just mere happening) that I met them! They asked me to join them to the hospital so that they could talk to the doctors, as Italian wasn`t known to them! They told me in detail about the last years in their life! This way I learnt that Paul couldn`t go to school as the principal didn`t agree it. She rather had teachers sent to his house, twice a week. I have also learnt that Paul needs a computer to download materials for school. But I have found out that, in spite of all his drawbacks, Paul is a top student. Paul today… After he had been operated in Romania, his leg became 7 cm shorter , which requires the use of special shoes that his family can`t afford. He needs to be operated again in order to benefit from an external device that would allow the femur to grow and nobody in Romania wants to sign an E 112 form, although he never enjoyed the advantages of such a form. I see him every day moving through his yard in a wheelchair that is now too small for him. I see him climbing the steps using two crutches that have also become too short for him. How do they make a living… As a result of his health problems, Paul registered in the category of the first degree handicap, which requires that he should be accompanied by a caretaker. However, the mayor of Ungheni commune (the Bădărăus resides in Mânzătești, a village of the Ungheni commune) in the Iasi county decided that there are no longer funds to pay for his caretaker, a job assumed by his father! So the monthly income of the family are: - Paul`s pension for his handicap, 91 lei worth (about 21 euros) - an indemnity of 560 lei (about 140 euros) - a pay for his school supplies (about 10 euros) That is a total of 661 lei (171 euros) The family consists of 4 members, the parents and 2 children. Mother is also ill. In order to be able to cover all the expenses and to be near Paul at the same time, the father grows mushrooms and a number of 50 quails, whose eggs are used in Paul`s diet. The will to live… Seeing how bravely he turns the wheels of the chair that he is bound to, how easy-hearted he overcomes so many drawbacks, without complaining… , how strongly he clings on his two crutches to move and seeing so much will to live, one cannot remain indifferent. The Consulate-General of Romania in Bologna… His Excellency, Mr. Gheorghe Miloșan went to see and encourage them. ``Your Excellency, what can be done for these people?`` ``The representatives of the Consulate-General of Romania in Bologna took an interest in Paul`s situation; it is very important that the Romanian community in Bologna become aware and sensitized towards this case. Everyone of us ought to contribute, as much as one`s financial possibility allows it, for the boy`s treatment to be completed. I will personally try as much as I can to make the matter known where my activity takes place! Once a month, after the liturgy is ended, I remain available, for those recommended by the priest, to talk to me about their problems or ask for information. I will make this matter known there, too!" And these efforts soon pay off! A man with a kind heart, Mr. Ioan Eugen Popitiu, offered him a computer. This represents a great help for Paul, as he is able now to download his lessons, maintain online contact with his friends and even play computer games with his friends! We, here in Bologna, are still helping as much as we can! The expenses are numerous; that is why we appeal to everyone who can help and has the will to show their solidarity, that side of one`s nature reminding us that we are all humans and, someday, we might, one way or another, be in need, too! BRD opened 2 bank accounts on the name of the Bădărău family, at the branch in Dancu, Holboca commune, Iasi county. RO22BRD240SV68904442400 RON RO14BRD240SV68904602400 EURO Swift Code : BRDEROBU You may also contact Paul and his father on their number in Italy: cell phone 388 441 8360 Romania : Home phone - ( +40 ) 0232254770 Personal phone - 0755754770 The Bădărău family is grateful! From a kind soul to another! By Vasile Simon
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 10:59:47 +0000

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