“It was about twelve years ago when the doctors discovered that - TopicsExpress


“It was about twelve years ago when the doctors discovered that my wife had colon cancer. Unfortunately, it was too far advanced, and she passed away six months later. Our children and grandchildren literally live all over the world. After the funeral, their busy lives called them back to their various locations, and I was alone, facing a new existence that I had not experienced for four decades. We lived in a fairly large old house in Canton, Ohio, for most of our married life, and after my wife was gone, I just worked at surviving one day at a time. No real plans, other than to survive for another day. “My wife’s birthday was about a month after her passing, and as the date drew near, my dread multiplied enormously. I always tried to celebrate her birthday in a unique way, and there I was, bewildered and befuddled as to what I should do, if anything, for her birthday. I decided to buy a dozen roses, and placed them in her favorite vase on the kitchen counter. Next to the vase, I placed my favorite picture of her. “On our refrigerator, there was a pretty magnet that I purchased for her decades earlier. We both loved the saying: You Light up My Life! It lived on the top, right-hand corner of the freezer door so long, it effectively became part of the door. At bedtime, for some reason, I got the notion that I should remove the magnet and place it in front of the flowers and the picture, and I am pretty sure I did. “In the morning, I almost had a heart attack when I noticed that the magnet was back in its home on the top, right-hand corner of the freezer door. I was positive that I moved that magnet to the counter, but wondered, in my grief, if I had only planned to do it, then neglected to do so. That night, I diligently removed the magnet and placed it on the counter with the flowers and the picture. The next morning the magnet was back home on the refrigerator. For one solid week, I placed that magnet on the counter each night, and every morning it was back on the top right corner of the freezer door. At that point I was unequivocally convinced that my wife wanted the magnet to remain in its home on the fridge. The roses were on their last legs, so I threw them out and returned the picture to our bedroom night table. “Wow,” Dani commented. “That is amazing!” “The story has only just begun,” Dacque advised his stunned listeners. “Oh! We’re all ears,” Dani replied. Excerpt from Chapter 26 of Soul Awakening, Book I of the Dacque Chronicles. amazon/Soul-Awakening-Dacque-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B009OVLDB6/ref=la_B006GDWTQI_1_1_title_1_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1358340087&sr=1-1
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:26:13 +0000

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