It was night of drama in the mare herd last night. I stepped - TopicsExpress


It was night of drama in the mare herd last night. I stepped outside before I was about to go to bed and heard a huge fight happening amongst the mares. I ran down there worried about what I would find as I could hear the loud cracking of hooves against bone - a sound I always dislike hearing. I rushed into the paddock and called for the girls to stop. Scout ran to me and Feather pursued her arching up like a stallion. Sienna had run into the mix trying to protect her best buddy Scout. Then the whole herd took off down the paddock paradise track. I picked up my lantern and hurried along the track that opens out to a small paddock at the back of the property. There was no moon and we have no light pollution out here so I could see nothing and was unsure where they were. If I call them though they always come so I called Scouts name and she whinnied to me and I heard her making her way towards me. Sienna was close beside her. I gestured them back on to the track and then Kihela and Lacey came running. I let them through but blocked Feather which I felt terrible doing. I needed to remove her from the herd. She ran back and forward and then took off at a flat gallop around the other side of the track - calling frantically to her herd. I never like separating horses as it is so unnatural for them to be away from their paddock mates but I knew what was going on here was serious and Sienna was trying her hardest to separate Feather from the herd but when she does that she tends to take some major kicks in the process. She doesnt have the strong, round cannon bones of the mustangs and I worry about her legs and her being so much older. I reached the herd who were waiting for me at the next corner. I asked them to stand there and I ran in front to head Feather off from rejoining them. They all stayed behind me initially. Feather then rounded the corner and arched up like a stallion again so Sienna stepped in to keep her away as she was intent on getting to Scout again. I approached Feather talking to her calmly and asked her to put her head in the halter. I was surprised at her reaction. She is still sometimes hesitant to wear the halter. She has a high sensitivity level and strong need to be in control of her movement and space. However, at this point she dropped her nose straight into the halter. I took some time stroking her and talking to her soothingly, using my energy to calm her. She sighed and was very happy to follow me and leave the paddock which also surprised me. I put her into the foaling paddock where she would have the boys on one side and the mares on the other so she wouldnt feel isolated. I fed them all some hay and she settled visibly. I assessed their injuries this morning. Scout and Feather have numerous kick wounds to their legs but no swelling at all thankfully. I was worried that Feather would still stress during the night but she didnt. Right now she is very content in the paddock on her own. I spent a lot of time with her this morning and she was following me around the paddock asking for tail scratches. I have no clue what caused this reaction between Feather and Scout. Scout was clearly shaken by it all though. Sienna and Scout are so strongly bonded and Sienna will always step in to protect her at all costs. Heres hoping that things settle down again soon. I turned to look at the bachelor herd this morning and marveled at the fact that they are so much calmer than the mare herd. You never see any fighting amongst them and despite the fact I spread separate hay piles everywhere, they always like to share. I had offered for Falcon to rejoin his mother in the foaling paddock but he made it clear he wasnt interested in leaving his buddies. Now to jump online to find some herbs that may help Feather at this time.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:00:15 +0000

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