It was predictable what would happen to Iraq after our utter - TopicsExpress


It was predictable what would happen to Iraq after our utter destruction of whatever fabric existed there (a secular state). The same can be said for Libya. There were also more law based approaches that could have been exercised with Bin Laden in Afghanistan that were not taken. Now conditions were set for our intervention in Syria except this time our intervention would not have to be so obvious or direct. As far as I see it, it is these and other things we are involved with in that part of the world follow the Neocon doctrine Project For a New American Century and on 911 the stage was set. Now wars continue to rage throughout the region and the Obama administration stated goal of at the very least dividing Syria (or the unstated goal of overthrowing it) through the instrument of the war against ISIL the proxy instigators being Saudi Arabia, Cutter, Turkey and Israel all who wish to not have players outside Global Economy. The arms dealers are making a killing and staying in the shadows. What ever happened to waging peace and independent interdependence. Would the insurrection in Libya etc. have even happened if its leaders did not have the promise of arms influx and US backing. Are Libyans etc. better off now than they were before. Will they be any time in the foreseeable future. How about all the people who had nothing to do with creating this situation who got killed or had their lives destroyed (curtsy of the USA). How about a better use for american tax dollars than creating and funding an american fly in and bomb zone. Why are arms dealers from where ever they may be allowed to undermine and subvert national and international diplomatic and political processes? Why does the US subvert diplomacy and conflict resolution? What a mess we are party to. Who is being held responsible at any level for our illegal immoral wars supported and fueled as a result of 911 deceptions. What precedents have been established?
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 01:16:10 +0000

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