Its 9:25pm on Saturday night at Queenscliff Music Festivals - TopicsExpress


Its 9:25pm on Saturday night at Queenscliff Music Festivals Pelican Stage. The stage is a colourful mist outlining a formidable Hammond B3 Organ, a mighty Ampeg Bass rig a Drum kit. I peer through the canvas sheeting from backstage and saw the crowd was filling up. Better put on a good show I thought. 9:30 strikes as does the drums, bass and organ in a rip roaring sound of energy and pace. Within a second I knew it was gonna be a huge one. The sound of the Leslie swirling around the tent was filling my ears and my heart with joy. Every note I played and sang seemed effortless as if I was being controlled by some super soul god pulling my strings in perfect time and swagger. We ripped through Love Blinded Fool, The Walking Dead. Now the Whammy clav had its turn in If Looks Could Kill. Playing with peoples heads with its mind and pitch bending tones never before heard from a keyboard. Through to a psychedelic trip we fused into Not Mistaken. The smoke haze had now built up to an intense thick rainbow of super blinding colours echoing around me as I launched into the solo of my life. Starting as a whisper, building into a wonder of harmonic distortions and melody, increasing in repetition and velocity to reach a wall of swirling tones. This is it!!! I thought This is it!! As throw myself to my knees in pain and in glory the smoke dissipates and the lights light up the tent like a giant beacon. My eyes slowly adjust to the realisation that the John Butler Trio had started 5 minutes ago at the Hippo stage and everyone had left already. One word came to mind. FAAAARRRK!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 07:06:26 +0000

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