Its Christmas time folks! Yeah, Im sure that by some miracle, - TopicsExpress


Its Christmas time folks! Yeah, Im sure that by some miracle, youve noticed. Noticed. Even a deaf/dumb/blind person (no offense intended), would know its that time of year. Theyve got calendars, havent they. OK enough of a build up and mind you, Im listening to The Messiah as I write this. Im multi-tasking and guess what, by the end of the month, youll be cooking, baking, wrapping and/or decorating. You know at the time of Hannukah, are we still celebrating that? Yes, by some strange coincidence, we are. Good, I havent totally missed it. The holiday just mentioned, coming on top of Thanksgiving/Christmas is very interesting as it hasnt happened like this in a coons age. But see here we are, multi-tasking. Yet, Im sure that some are or have been watching an atheletic contest. 4 hours in front of the tube. When did dinner happen, anyway? But hey, I did some fun stuff today. Me time. As if there hasnt been ME time over the past 4 days. But this was different. Did some shopping I did and managed to engage in a little Christmas getting for a favorite someone (Ill give you one guess who). Yet, with the peace of a mind thats been going to pieces, relieves some tension. G-d intended, that you have to take care of yourself. Even with all of the buhbub! All of the much ado about something! You know, when I was a little kid and wed only just got off the boat and were residing in a portion of our landladies downstairs, until the upstairs apartment became open, we had a train set around the Christmas tree. Jesus said something about fathers giving good gifts. To their kids. Me, I gave my kids Christmas. Yes, I did. Recently, my daughter talked about having a place where she could have a train around the tree. Like we had a train and a Christmas village. Me time. Thats what that was. The putting up of the lights on the house (with a cross of lights) and their sing of light right now. How about that? Well, I saw the light and Hanukkah is about light, the light of the world and He wants your burden (they sing burthen in Messiah) to be light. Thats where Ive been aiming at. Proverbs 17:22 talks about the result of stress on your bones and those bones are that which, if youre not careful, will promote disease in your bodies. So, in all of your doing, have peace. Shalom. Before you go to pieces bring Peace on Earth and Good Will to Men (and women). Someone want to put a bow on this little gift of instruction. Now the choir is singing For Unto Us a Child is Born and He really was born in the fall around the time of Tabernacles. Bless yoou all to pieces! Wonderful Counselor . . .
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:33:44 +0000

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