Its Fri morning 9/19 H 72 L 52 prtly sun; heavy rains & flooding - TopicsExpress


Its Fri morning 9/19 H 72 L 52 prtly sun; heavy rains & flooding continues in Southwest (hit western TX & southeastern NM w shrws & storms from Utah to Minn). TNFB: Falcons defeat TB; HSFB Allderdice 36- Brashear 0; Bucs W. NEWS: UK stays united, Scotland votes No on independence by 55% to 45%; China e-commerce giant Aliababa (its bigger than Amazon) to go public today; ISIS terrorist release a new video of a British man held hostage, as Senate OKs Obamas plan to equip Syrian rebels; a series of bomb & mortar attacks in & around Baghdad kill dozens (Baghdad); 8 people including 3 journalist killed while educating villagers about Ebola (Guinea); grandfather kills daughter & 6 grandchildren (Bell, Fla.); 56 million credit & debit cards compromised in breach of Home Depot computer system by hackers; manhunt continues for Eric Frein, as PA State Trooper Bryon Dickson who Frein ambushed is laid to rest (Scranton). OTD: 335 Roman Emperor Constantine I names his nephew Dajmatius, Caesar; 1336 Battle of Poitiers, English forces under Edward, Prince of wales (the Black Prince) defeat French capture King John II of France (100 Years War); 1777 1st Battle of Saratoga, British forces defeat Americans (Saratoga, NY, Revolutionary War); 1870 Prussian army starts siege of Paris (Franco-Prussian War); 1881 Pres. Garfield dies 2 1/2 mos. after being shot; 1934 Bruno Hauptman arrested for kidnap & murder of baby Charles Lindbergh, Jr. (NYC); 1954 Nazi radio propagandist Wm. Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) convicted of treason & sentenced to death; 1964 TV show Flipper premiered (NBC); 1994 medical drama ER premiered (NBC). BRT: Charles Guiteau a disgruntled federal job seeker shot Pres. Garfield, leading to the creation of the Federal Civil Service System. TFD: He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god; he is not part of the state, Aristotle (384BCE - 322BCE). Enjoy the day.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 09:24:18 +0000

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