Its TESTIMONY THURSDAY TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!! This one is a bit - TopicsExpress


Its TESTIMONY THURSDAY TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!! This one is a bit long, but completely worth it. If you have a child or know of someone that has any sort of problem with attention or special needs, check this out! My son is an Aspie, he has ADHD inattentive subtype, he has a growth hormone disorder, difficulty sleeping, and is prone to anxiety and occasional anger. Weve got a fun bag, as do most of you. When he was younger he was severely speech delayed almost to the point of non-verbal at age 3 and though extensive speech therapy he has tested out of his expressive/receptive language disorder. Through neurofeedback and brain mapping weve been able to pinpoint that there is a disconnect in the Brocas area of his brain - the area that processes language. Biofeedback therapy and speech therapy has been able to create a re-route in his brain for him to speak and understand, however he is usually a little delayed and sometimes stutters. I am just thankful that young brains are plastic and the rerouting of information is possible. K enough background. A Neurological challenge to say the least. When I stared using oils, one of my hopes was to reduce/eliminate the many medications that my son was taking and to increase his abilities to function and fit in. I bought my first oils from another company because they were the first I had heard of, and after learning about the quality of Young Living I brought a Premium Starter Kit to compare, and Ive never bought from them again. I just did not see the same level of result. I read the Reference Guide for Essential Oils practically cover to cover, and learned that one of the chemical constituents, Sesquiterpenes, were small enough to cross the blood brain barrier and oxygenate and stimulate the pineal gland and the limbic system in the brain, which is the center for our emotions. The pineal gland is a part of the endocrine system that tells the body how much growth hormone, seratonin, and melatonin the secrete. Knowing that my son had a growth hormone disorder and low levels of growth hormone, I implied that he suffered from poor pineal health. It also make me realize that his anxiety ( low seratonin ) and difficulty sleeping ( low melatonin) were probably all related. So, I researched all the oils that were high in sesquiterpenes. They are: Frankincense Sacred Frankincense Sandalwood Hawaiian Sandalwood Cedarwood Blue Tansy Vetiver Helichrysum melissa Lavender - a little I made a roller blend. Here is my recipe: I call it Gavins Focus Blue In a 10m bottle add 30 drops Lavender 30 Drops Cedarwood 30 Drops Frankincense 20 Drops Sandalwood 20 Drops Blue Tansy ( careful its very blue) and when I could swing it, I added 10 drops Helichrysum. Fill the bottle the rest of the way with fractionated coconut oil ( about 1/3) I rolled in on his brainstem and spine before school, and put a little across his forehead. He had a daily contract with his 1:1 aid at school. He gets a 3 if he completes a task without redirection. He gets a 2 if he completes the task with 1 reminder or redirection. He gets a 1 if he does not complete the task, or if he need multiple reminders or assistance. He usually gets most 2s a couple 1s and a couple 3s. This is with stimulant medication. Without medication he is mostly 1s and maybe a couple 2s. Before using the oils, his average day was about 60 points. The week I stared using the oils, his scores JUMPED to 80 points on average with remarks of improved attention from his teacher and aid! During this time, we were able to reduce his meds to about half of what would be prescribed for his weight, his side effects were reduced ( moodiness and difficulty sleeping) and his ability to concentrate improved. He began doing his homework on his own without assistance and constant nagging. It was a dream. I dont know why I didnt start diffusing in the first place - but one day it dawned on me that the limbic system in the brain is very receptive to smell and oils inhaled are really the best way to stimulate the brain. Just for kicks, I diffused his focus blue blend ( without the carrier oil) in the bathroom while he got ready, and right in front of him while he ate breakfast. The second picture is what he brought home that day. His report that day WAS ALMOST ALL 3s. He had never ever EVER in his entire life been able to achieve a such a day of 3s. 101 points. I cried. And instead of signing his daily report and sending it back to the teacher, I kept it to forever remember his amazing day. Guys - if you are questioning whether or not you should try oils for your special needs kids.... DO IT. It might take a little trial and error. The first thing I tried didnt work for him. But, after finding what works for I am forever thankful. Side note - hes also gotten off his sleeping meds by diffusing Cedarwood and Lavender in his room at night. We started with Vetiver and Lavender, but preferred the smell of Cedarwood and got an equivalent result. Cedarwood is the least expensive high sesquiterpene oil you can buy and it smells divine diffused with Lavender. Julie Teerlink Sanches, thank you SO incredibly much for sharing this story. The improvements that have been made are so awesome and Im happy that you were able to find the right mixture for your son! #lemondropper #youngliving #essentialoils #yleo #testimonythursday #adhd #add #growthhormonedisorder #sleep #anxiety #anger
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:19:53 +0000

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