Its Time to Wake Up, Starseeds. (Posted @In5D, compiled by Rique - TopicsExpress


Its Time to Wake Up, Starseeds. (Posted @In5D, compiled by Rique Seraphico). The term Star People or Starseed means that many on Earth are from other star systems, galaxies, even other universes.. Are You Starseed ? Ancient (Alien?) Soul with Temporary Amnesia? Remember Atlantis? Video Link: Written by Sara Starfire, guest writer for In5D In my last article, we discussed how to identify if you are indeed a Star Seed. I have to admit, that I was a bit emotionally overwhelmed when I saw the outpour of fellow Star Seeds experiencing the same things that I have. Most of the reaction has been quite positive. Then, I started thinking that I really should be doing something more with this information than regurgitating what has been said over and over. I felt that perhaps it was time to start piecing together what our missions are while here on earth, and how we can accomplish it. Related: 18 Ways To Know If You Are A Starseed But before we go any further I want to share with you that you need to remain open to the possibility, But before we go any further I want to share with you that you need to remain open to the possibility, that none of this exists. We have powerful brains, and our mind can create what we desire. If you think that you are here on a special mission to save humanity, you will create that life for yourself. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to help people, I have met a few who have become totally obsessed that they let all areas in their life fail. I just ask that you remain open to the possibility that all of this is B.S. that none of this exists. We have powerful brains, and our mind can create what we desire. If you think that you are here on a special mission to save humanity, you will create that life for yourself. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to help people, I have met a few who have become totally obsessed that they let all areas in their life fail. I just ask that you remain open to the possibility that all of this is B.S. Life Purpose of a Star Seed The truth is, most humans who Ive met are looking for their life purpose in one form or another. Some have found that their life purpose is to create life. Some have found that their life purpose is to better mankind through science. Others have found that their life purpose is through educating the next generation. For lightworkers though, and Starseeds, we have a very special mission. That mission is raising the consciousness of human beings. Star Seeds are often working all of the time, even on their days off because they have a drive that is pushing them towards raising vibrations. Most Star Seeds that I have met are either professional intuitives, healers, channelers, mediums. This however, does not make Starseeds any more special than other people. I have found through my encounters with other Star Seeds, that while they always have the purist intention to help others, they tend to get a little wrapped up in their Most Star Seeds that I have met are either professional intuitives, healers, channelers, mediums. This however, does not make Starseeds any more special than other people. I have found through my encounters with other Star Seeds, that while they always have the purist intention to help others, they tend to get a little wrapped up in their own heads, and block others from coming into their space. This can give the outward appearance that they are cold, and aloof, but really what they are doing is protective shielding. They can not help but want to protect themselves from the harsh realitys of the world. own heads, and block others from coming into their space. This can give the outward appearance that they are cold, and aloof, but really what they are doing is protective shielding. They can not help but want to protect themselves from the harsh realitys of the world. Other realms deal with this same problem in different ways. Elementals tend to lash out, Incarnated Angels tend to eat sweets to compensate for harsh living conditions, Mystic Angels tend to smoke, and drink to hide their pain of dealing with humans on an everyday level. Each of the lightworkers are beautiful beings, and we are here to help one another. Star Seeds, use their outwardly cold appearance to be selective on who they let in. They also tend to wear shiny, sparkly clothing!! Sequence is my favorite choice! I find that when Star Seeds have not woken up yet, they are completely lost with their life purpose. Only when they truly understand their origins does the soul begin to calm down. They realize that they are here to make the difference. That doesnt mean that they are going to be Neo from the Matrix. Thats Sci-Fi friends! But you could help humanity through other means of assisting. Whether its for one person, or for a mass. Your life purpose isnt more important than other lightworkers. You just have a different road to take. Complete Your Mission Now is the time to wake up. We are going through a global consciousness shift that has been taking place since 2012. So many of us are starting to wake up and realize that we are on the cusp of something either beautiful, or terrifying. It depends on where mankind decides to take us. Now is the time to start learning about these innate gifts that you possess. The one recommendation For those of you interested in learning more about realms, and more in depth information on Star Seeds (I will have more in the future), please visit Doreen Virtues page (click here). I highly recommend that you take her online class. I admittedly, do not agree with her on a lot of things, but the realm reading is extremely insightful, and something that you can apply to yourself right now.that I have is to find someone you trust, and ask them for guidance. They can be your mentor, teacher, friend, anyone that you feel safe sharing your feelings, and thoughts with. As we have all learned the hard way, you cant trust everyone. For those of you interested in learning more about realms, and more in depth information on Star Seeds (I will have more in the future), please visit Doreen Virtues page (click here). I highly recommend that you take her online class. I admittedly, do not agree with her on a lot of things, but the realm reading is extremely insightful, and something that you can apply to yourself right now. Now What? Well, thats really up to you now, isnt it? You have the world as your oyster, and its up to you if you will take what is yours, or let your life slip away. As you are on this journey of self discovery, remember that you are not alone. There are others. You can find classes, and help to open you up to a more spiritually evolved lightworker. You are gifted with healing and channeling. You are light.... _________________________ The term Star People or Starseed means that many on Earth are from other star systems, galaxies, even other universes. A Starseed is a starborn mortal, a human being with Starbeing DNA. Starseeds have been coming since the beginning of earths history, getting experience in being human and learning many lessons, reincarnating over and over again, until they were ready for an awakening in the Age of Aquarius and the Ascension which is happening NOW in 2012. No, the world is not going to end in a disaster, its the old paradigm ending, of duality, competition. But there will be a change, a new world... ONENESS. All people have many past lives but everyone has to have an origin. The origin can be from the angelic realm, elemental (fairies), starborn, or earth born. The majority of people are, of course, earth born. But high number of people are whats called Starseeds, who are starborn humans. This is going back 50,000 years and more. Most starseeds came to earth as energy and evolved into human beings on Atlantis. Supposedly the very first continent inhabited on earth. It is known by most Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Indigos that there is a Higher Power, a Creator, called God or Goddess by most of them, and that the Higher Power oversees not just earth, but all planets and the entire universe. This is about knowing not about religion. And that when you reincarnate, you can incarnate to not just earth, but other planets as well. The majority of human beings have different reasons for coming to earth when compared to typical Star Seeds. Theirs is the path of spiritual learning and spiritual evolution through the Earth School of Learning. Many souls choose to incarnate on Earth many times (up to 200) in order to complete the spiritual learning that is available on here. Not all lifetimes within this cycle are experienced exclusively on Earth and there may be some life times elsewhere in the Universe where healing and restoration take place. These are not remembered by human beings consciously. However the density of Earth is such that repeated incarnations here often results in human beings losing their awareness of spiritual realities and their spiritual gifts. The physical plane of Earth dominates their consciousness to the point where they cannot even imagine extra terrestrial realties. For these Humans their focus is needed on everyday earthly matters and this is why they are not drawn to the Extra Terrestrial subjects. They need to learn how to master the lessons that the earth plane has to offer and this consumes their time and energy. And as such they are deeply consumed by the illusions of separation and lower consciousness that exist here. In this lost state the extraterrestrial origins have been forgotten and so there is little interest in this subject. In a way this state of forgetfulness serves them as they are allowed to focus intently on whatever the themes of their life are, without distraction from other realities and past extra terrestrial connections. Do you FEEL you are a Star People? Link: The Starseed Quiz (Yes & No) Link: pleiadesx/starquiz.htm Are You a Starseed? Link: the2012scenario/2011/06/ar... VIDEO - All About Starseeds - A FREE PAO Webinar Link: youtube/watch?v=awg74x7EA8E Indigo crystal Children women4truth chemlin Gifted Creative Potential Amazing highly sensitive transition unconditional Love raising vibrations spiritual wisdom freedom art expression beauty painting message messenger awareness wonderful exciting uplifting empowerment empowering harmony healing heal nature humble appreciation Sirius Pleiades Star People bridge bridging playful joy playfulness tender tenderness care connection divine tuning resonating liberating peace friends ishuwa Bashar yahyel Shalanaya The Lovely Bones The Fountain.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:04:15 +0000

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