Its a measure of leadership, of integrity, of competency and of - TopicsExpress


Its a measure of leadership, of integrity, of competency and of ethics to see how an individual a group or a party responds in the face of a problem. Sadly, for the Democrats facing Grubers statements, all they have shown is their worst. They are all amidst DDDS - Desperate Democratic Denial Syndrome - that is only making it much worse for themselves. The revelations of Grubers Obamacare statements have been out and about for almost a full week now. During that time, one Democratic Party leader after another has beclowned themselves in attempting to run away from Gruber and deny their involvement with him. Pelosi claimed never to have heard of him only to then have the video clips of her praising him by name for his Obamacare work. Harry Reid also proved how badly he too suffers from DDDS by doing the same denials that were quickly overturned by his own words. Politico columnist, Paige Winfield Cunningham, ran a piece on Thursday in which she cast doubt on Grubers contributions to Obamacare. Yet, just four months previously, she was praising him for being one of Obamacare’s chief architects, MIT professor Jonathan Gruber.. And now, despite so many accounts of Grubers extensive involvement in bringing Obamacare into existence and despite so many other Democrats getting caught out in their denials - despite all of that - we have Obama doing exactly the same thing and lying through his teeth about Gruber. Asked at the G20 Summit about him, Obama replied that Gruber was just some adviser who never worked on our staff. This, about a guy who got paid $400,000 for that never worked on our staff work. This, for a guy who the top Democratic Party leadership cited by name as THE architect of Obamacare. This, about a guy whos opinion Obama completely disagrees with - but who he featured in one of his 2012 campaign videos against Romney. And yet, Obama still attempted to lie his way out of it. He opened with his truly tired and worn out I just now learned of... line. And then rolled into that pathetic some adviser who never worked on our staff... line. A line which even his fellow Democrats had already learned didnt match the facts. This is why Obamas numbers are underwater and headed even further downward. This is why so few people trust him and his fellow Democrats on anything. This is why Americas voters threw so many Democrats out this year. Obama demonstrated that hes unwilling to learn anything from the election results. Hes now also demonstrated that despite other Democrats failures after attempting the same denial tactics, that such real world things do not apply to him and his own self. The DDDS is strong in this one... And its only going to make things much, much worse for the Democrats. Instead of doing something which required actual leadership - such as acknowledging Grubers contributions but disagreeing with his conclusions - Obama once again showed his lack of judgement and lack of leadership abilities in his attempt at denying Gruber. That provided his opponents all the opening they needed to truly wrap this one tight around Obama and now hound him over not only Grubers statements but also Obamas lies about not being involved with Gruber. This is going to be even more damaging to Obamacares prospects with the new Republican Congress. Its also going to be damaging with anything and everything else both Obama and the Democrats in general seek to accomplish in the next two years. Until the Democrats can cure themselves of DDDS, its only going to make things much, much easier for the Republicans to have their way.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 19:10:23 +0000

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