Its a remarkable scene. The reporter, Halo Ahmad, walks to the - TopicsExpress


Its a remarkable scene. The reporter, Halo Ahmad, walks to the halfway point of the bridge near Miriam Beg, a village southwest of #Kirkuk. His side of the bridge is controlled by Iraqi Kurdish troops, known as the #Peshmerga. On the other side, you can see the black flag of the Islamic State held high, a number of armed men warning him to stay put, and a backhoe putting together a makeshift barrier. The terrorist Islamic State (#Isis) is hardly friendly to journalists. The New York Times was able to get a report from inside an Islamic State-held city in Syria but withheld the reporters name when the story was published, apparently out of fear for that reporters safety. Vice News was able to get open access for its reporter Medyan Dairieh in the Syrian city of #Raqqa for an impressive video series, apparently with the consent of the extremist group. For Kurdish reporters, caught in the middle of a hard battle against the Islamic State in northern Iraq, its exceptionally risky. This weekend, a Kurdish reporter, Deniz Firat, was killed by a mortar round fired by Islamic State fighters while she was embedded with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. T.H ,,, #Al_Elam
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 10:21:34 +0000

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