Its after midnight here. So, technically I can post this... Day - TopicsExpress


Its after midnight here. So, technically I can post this... Day 18 In the Month of Madness pays a visit to The House of the Devil, where the horror is that it takes so long for something to happen that you stopped caring about it 40 minutes ago. College girl answers ad for baby sitter, no baby, family that owned the house bought it before the film started, now Satan worshippers plan to use girl for... You know what? It doesnt matter. This movie is only an hour and thirty five minutes and NOTHING happens for an hour and ten minutes... Well, the main characters poor schmo of a friend buys it at the 35 minute mark. Other than that... Nada, zilch. There isnt even any dialogue, just this girl walking around the house, opening and closing rooms, hearing noises that arent scary. For me, there was no build up of suspense, no creepy fear for what would happen next, because nothing happened next. I didnt jump where they thought people might jump. It was ungodly slow. (Pun intended) The big confrontation scene lasted about five minutes, in which the helpless girl injures or kills all the evil people... There isnt even a payoff to the hour wait!!! But they set up a possible sequel. Ugh. I hope you all appreciate the boredom and suffering Im going through. ;) At no point, in the tedious, uneventful story, was there anything close to a suspenseful film. I award this film no scars and may God have mercy on your soul.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:06:06 +0000

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