Its amazing how single people think they know what love is. They - TopicsExpress


Its amazing how single people think they know what love is. They think that couples think about gifts. Umm, has anyone EVER heard me say Oh, without this gift, Id die! I dont care about money. Why do you think Im happy with minimum wage? Im used to not getting gifts every Christmas. Gifts arent gonna make you happy with the person youre with. If someone gave me $10,000,000 to date them, Id say Not interested. People who actually know me, they know I dont care about all that stuff. On Valentines Day was my first real date with Tawni. Do you know how many times I bought Tawni lunch? Ask him. And I dont ask for all that money back. He makes me things. He made me a Godzilla in Ceramics and it wasnt Pablo Picasso or Andy Warhol work. I liked it, and still love it because he made it for me. If the person youre with only likes when you buy them food, clothes, etc., youre not their significant other. Youre their cash cow.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 07:45:15 +0000

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