Its bank policy not to mention names of our team members on social - TopicsExpress


Its bank policy not to mention names of our team members on social media without their written permission. As the project manager, I am in a quasi-managerial role with our team members, although I am not their supervisor, not even a bank officer. The Jr. Dev (Rusty) was eager to sign his permission to be called by name. He likes publicity almost as much as I do. Even so, I decided to use only his nickname. The Sr. DBA, who has been with the bank thirty years, says she doesnt need to sign anything to be called by her name - Miss Smith. She is one of several Miss Smiths in the bank. I asked what we can call her. She answered, Miss Smith, of course. Nobody seems to know what her initials stand for, and if they do, they are not telling. But everybody knows her. This woman has a great sense of humor. I will continue to call all the other team members by their job titles on social media. However, thats not as easy as it sounds. The Jr. Intern became the Sr. Intern when our newest intern joined our team. But then nobody knows who I am talking about. We had another Sr. Intern who left at Labor Day. The naming dilemma assumes near crisis proportions in the consulting firm. The Founder calls me Number Five, because I was the fifth employee to join his startup in 2003. But in the intervening years, Number Two and Number Four left the firm for greener pastures. So I reminded the Founder that by rights I should now be called Number Three. The Founder reminded me that they already had a Number Three - my colleague assigned to another bank. Yes, I said, but Number Three is really Number Two now. I am the new Number Three. But the Founder said it was all too confusing. I will always be Number Five to him. He added, Dont you have anything better to do than worry about job titles? Well, its a subject that keeps rearing its ugly head in one form or another. LOL
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:13:01 +0000

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