Its been almost 3 years since I joined sunset coast ballroom - TopicsExpress


Its been almost 3 years since I joined sunset coast ballroom dance...I remember my first day like it was yesterday. I had reached a point in my life where I was alone, scared, and confused. ..I didnt have many friends and didnt know what I was going to do. I had a very low self esteem and had been struggling with depression for years...I had just started my vacation and had no plans, no money, nothing. I was scrolling through Facebook when I seen the post from Sunset Coast Ballroom Dance stating that there was a salsa lesson that night...I had always wanted to take a dance lesson but had never had the courage to do it. Being at rock bottom, I took the leap of faith and decided to go. I didnt have time to ponder the decision. ..I only had time to get dressed and go. I was nervous because I had never felt good about my skills on the dance floor (they were practically non-existent) and I didnt know anybody there... all I knew for certain was that in THAT moment, my life sucked and I needed to get outside of my comfort zone. I was one of the first few people there and I remember Robert G. Pinter telling me not to worry and that everything would be fine.... once the lesson started I felt goofy, but it ended up being the most fun that Id ever had in my Iife! After that, I was hooked and decided that ballroom dance would always have a special place in my heart. Its amazing how much that one lesson changed me... I went to work smiling for the first time in what felt like forever and people NOTICED! My boss agreed to let me leave work early from there on out because she knew how much I needed something positive in my life. ..Ive been there almost every week since! After about a month, I noticed that my attitude was different. ..I wasnt sad anymore, I felt happy! I was more outgoing and felt more confident about myself. Fast forward to a year after my first dance lesson... the sad, depressed person I was no longer existed. She had been replaced by this new person who loved her life and everything in it! I had made several new friends through dance and had even felt motivated to start working out... it was something I had always wanted to do but hadnt. My life had pulled a 180 and I now looked to those people as my family... as Lauren Michelle said, my dance family. Im SOOOOOOOOO happy that I had the opportunity to discover this unknown passion in my life. Throughout the years, Ive seen countless friendships form. Ive watched people fall in love through dance and its pretty amazing! :) I know that the bonds that have been formed will continue to last even after dance is no more, but I dont want that to happen. I want other people to have the same opportunity that I did. I want to see other people have fun, discover their passions and fall in love with themselves as well as other people! To me, dance isnt just about dancing. ... its about growing, creating bonds, feeling glamorous, having a blast and meeting new people!!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:36:54 +0000

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