Its easier to be in the enclosure with two people. The wolves - TopicsExpress


Its easier to be in the enclosure with two people. The wolves are always happy when we go to them. Accordingly, here we have teamwork. I try to explain stories about our wolves always easy and understandable. Of course I could throw technical terms and in scientific papers it is certainly useful. In Facebook , I think we can use a simple and understandable language. This creates a danger that someone might expect, dealing with wolves would be a kindergarten. It is definitely not so and you can not say this enough. Our Wolves are predators. Tatjana and I forget that for no second. BUT there are no bloodthirsty predators. They are very social, balanced and familiar. We have to abide by the laws of wolves and always be alert. Then everything is fine. This is for me but also a difficulty in telling on Facebook. I always try the texts to be brief and concise. But in the pack, it depends on the many many little things. It is very difficult to write everything down, without writing an doctor examen. It all looks sooo easy and just because Tatjana is no 1.90m high and weights 150kg Amazon, many people think that either our wolves are trained or that anyone can work with them. Here begin the subtleties. There are zoos, animal parks, wolf parks, etc, taking visitors into the enclosure or they take a wolf on the move . Yes somehow you get wolves to do something. With animal friendly or hostile methods. Thats not what I want to explain. My concern is: No, with our wolves will not do that. During the breeding we try them to be wolves as much as possible. There is also only a very small circle of helpers. A European Wolf has a natural shyness of people and all all things made by people. With us he keeps this fear (Theme). I will try to explain the themes in further posts. So if have some points for the future We also do not interfere in the pack structure. Who leads where we stand . (Theme) When we are in the enclosure , it looks easy. In our head it rattles most of the time. Especially in the beginning during the greeting . Later we can switch off a bit. And if you see two boots with legs lying behind a tree when you walk trough our park, then it may be me, just take a nap there. Again one of these subtleties. On one side I tell you something of predator, watch as a shooting dog, on the other side from sleeping under the tree . Yes we need to beware, the wolves do not want to test us every 0.6 seconds, and attack us when they see a chance. Would wolves always just be waiting for their opportunity , then we would not be fun, too . And here something that is only very difficult to cover with science. Feeling and love. My feeling when I go into an enclosure is joy and coming home . Its like after a return to ones own family, after having worked two years abroad and has not seen them. It’s a big greeting and during the welcome there is much to tell. But you must be careful, too. Maybe, something has changed in that long time. Maybe someone is angry that I haven’t even send a message . For our wolves, a day “aboard” can be enough . After the greeting, the ratios are again mostly cleared . Then the wolves do their normal business (Sleeping eating, playing, e.g.) and care less about us. Then is time for a nap to relax. In this sense I wish you all a relaxing weekend Best wishes Michael Schönberger By the way. I took this photo, too
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:20:49 +0000

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