Its funny how you can make a post, and everyone thinks its about - TopicsExpress


Its funny how you can make a post, and everyone thinks its about them, except for the one person it was intended for. And sadder yet that sometimes your glad they dont realize it, for if they did, there are only two possible outcomes. Either you would lose them from your life altogether, or you would add complication to their life, knowing thats not fair to them. Ive come to the conclusion that Im no good for people, asides from being a friend, that Im good at. Im hard to handle at times, over analytical all the time, overly emotional, occasionally depressed, and more often lonely. But I am a good friend, even when I dont want to be. Its hard to have watched in my past someone hurt so bad by someone, and all you can do is sit in the friend zone, and be the best friend that you can, all the while youre wishing you were the other guy, but also knowing that no matter how good of a friend you are, that person will never look at you that way. Dying inside because the advice you give is a silent cry, screaming let me show you how you should be treated, and praying that your smile will hide the truth in your eyes. And because somewhere deep inside there lies that truth, you lock it all away and never let it show for fear of the inevitable rejection. Women say that there are no good, decent men out there anymore, but they have no idea just how good of a man it takes to willingly remain in the friend zone, when its the last place they ever wanted to be, and our only reward for that self inflicted sacrifice is the most painful phrase ever spoken, your such a great friend. Ladies, thats devotion in its purest form, selflessness and care. Ive seen my friend do it, and Ive been there myself, to lay your own wants, desires, and feelings aside, in order to try to help someone make something better, with someone else, and hoping that maybe youll find a little bit of solace in knowing that the other person is happy. Sometimes in this world, it is truly a curse to be able to see beyond ones self, and if misery exists, it does so in the form of a conscience. Its an assholes world, where nice guys finish last, and where being the good guy gets you nowhere but hurt. Perhaps my perception is a bit skewed, bent, and a bit jaded, but if so, its only because those very situations caused it to be so. We only know what we are taught, and life has taught me this, happiness is only as real as the illusion is believable, much like the tricks of a magician. Ive heard that time is a great friend, and that it will heal all wounds, but in cases such as these, it only makes the wound deeper. I will continue to be a friend to those who need one, its the only thing I know how to do, and ill continue to laugh and smile when the cover over my emotions grows thin. Im sure there are those out there that wont like this, and some that may even get angry, feel free to leave my page, just dont forget to delete me on your way out, for if you take offense of someone offering you true, pure compassion, at the sanctity of their own emotional stability, then you truly are without a heart.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:30:28 +0000

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