Its hard to trust a hospital that displays posters about keeping a - TopicsExpress


Its hard to trust a hospital that displays posters about keeping a healthy heart, avoiding saturated fat, warning people about the dangers of a paleo/primal diet, when right in their very own canteens, their snack trolleys that roll through the wards of their sick people & the menus they supply to their patients is filled with foods deep fried in unidentifiable oils, low fat (high sugar/high chemical) menus, grain based foods, and weirdo packets of weirdness. Hard to understand why they present such a campaign against a lifestyle that promotes an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, quality protein, and wipes out highly refined and toxic sugars, oils, & salts. Its hard for me to trust in a health system that promotes sickness. Hard for me to hand over the health decisions of my entire family, when it seems they just want to keep us all sick, but then again a society sick is dependant, and dependant is controllable. Just my thoughts for the evening, and another reason why im never ever going to be quiet about real food. Im off for an early mothers day dinner with my family tonight! Keep smiling cavies xx
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 07:12:53 +0000

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