Its [motivationmonday]!! I just celebrated the big 5-0 last week - TopicsExpress


Its [motivationmonday]!! I just celebrated the big 5-0 last week and she looks and feels AMAZING! Ive always had an active lifestyle, running being my passion. Half marathons and 10Ks were my distance of choice. My goals were always obtainable, although looking back not very ambitious. I simply wanted to finish and have fun doing it. Ten years ago I began to feel a slight ache in my left big toe. Sadly, the ache did not subside. I was slowly loosing the ability to move my big toe comfortably. Any movement requiring I push-off with my big toe was painful. Imagine that in plank position. I spent the next eight years consulting with DCs finest osteopaths and podiatrists. The diagnosis was always the same, arthritis in the joint. They all seemed to agree that it was part of the natural aging process. It was recommended that I get yearly cortisone injections with combined oral anti-inflammatorys to control the swelling and discomfort. Unfortunately, I would not regain any of my toes lost mobility. I found this prognosis devastating. I was losing the ability to do many of the activities I loved, running, surfing, wearing Jimmy Choo, not to mention walking barefoot. I would tell, ask and talk to anyone that would listen. Finally, in August of 2013, I consulted with a podiatrist who diagnosed me with Hallux Rigidus or rigid toe. It appeared that joint replacement surgery was my only option. The surgical outcome promised to return my toe to its normal range of motion. I was all in. The surgery was successful and I was released from PT by March of 2014. All my limitations were gone, I was ready to GO. But thats not what happened. The real work was just beginning. You know the kind of mental and physical work that pulls us forward in life. I would set out on my runs through Rock Creek Park and they would end in failure. I couldnt get past a quarter mile without feeling defeated. I remember calling my husband crying saying Im just not meant to run anymore. What I hadnt factored in was that although Id gained all my mobility back I had spent a decade loosing muscle and body strength. Thats when [solidcore] came into my life. A dear friend listening to me fret directed me to the [solidcore] website. The promise of a 50 minute total-body workout without risk of joint damage intrigued me. As a working mother, wife and dog owner with my medical history this was a no-brainer. Solidcore fulfilled their promise of the most intense workout I had ever experienced. Damon was my first coach and when I say I dont know a MegaFormer from a TransFormer I mean it. While I was attempting my first lunge he gave me what I call the Jesus-Stick to help me balance. Im sure I looked like I was going to crash. He had such an encouraging spirit that I survived to return addicted. I continue to encounter amazing coaches [motivating] me to challenge myself. Kate and Linda you ladies ROCK! And to the [solidcore] junkies sweating next to me, you guys have been so awesome helping me through those seemingly endless lizards. To all of you, I am truly [grateful]. I turned 50 this month and Ive never felt so [strong] both physically and mentally. Im hooked! Go ahead put me in brackets. Ill be [happy], Facing the [solidcore] wall!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 13:09:58 +0000

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