Its not like I didnt know Scott had this work trip planned, yet - TopicsExpress


Its not like I didnt know Scott had this work trip planned, yet for some reason, I still watched Supernatural on Netflix. Its not normally a frightening show, but when you have an active imagination, and your husband leaves, well, lets just say it was the catalyst for every terrifying memory Ive ever had to manifest itself. I asked both Jake and Adam if they would sleep with me, and they assured me I would be fine. They both have queen size beds, so I said can i sleep with you then? Apparently I am not a five year old and its unacceptable for your scared mother to sleep with you. Youll be fine, mom. They both told me. They clearly dont live in my brain. At 11:00 I finally felt tired enough to sleep. (I took a nap earlier because it was Sunday and it was raining). I had asked Jake to lock the door when he went to bed, so I just turned off the lights. Immediately I was struck with how dark it was. So I flipped it back on. Sarge was looking at me like a crazy person. I should mention that Scott usually has the tv in our room on, and doesnt turn it off until long after my slumber has started, or I snap at him. Either way, Im safely in bed. So I think, this is stupid. Just turn off the lights and get in bed. So I turn off the lights and run and jump into my bed... So nothing can grab me. And then sarge jumps in. No problem. He will protect me. But just as Im drifting off, I hear a scratching noise under my bed. OMGOSH!!!! DEMONS!! I know its demons because there is a rotten smell also and EVERYTHING Hollywood tells us is true.. (It might have been Sarges gas) So I lay there for a minute. Wishing I had some holy water, or knew Latin, but mostly just trembling and waiting to be thrown violently onto my ceiling like a middle school spitball, when it stops and I hear a new noise. A squeaky ball. Oh yeah. Erika Romriells dog is here. So I take the ball away from Tux, and turn on the light over the kitchen sink, because now Im scared, and get back in bed. Just when Im drifting off, I hear quiet sneaking footsteps across the floor in the other room. I took a moment to contemplate my options. 1. hide 2. get the gun 3. call 911 4. scream 5. pray I program in 911 on my phone and am ready to hit send and say forcefully and in a deep man like voice WHOSE THERE. it was my mother in law getting a drink. Are you getting a cold? yep. thats it. AND SHE TURNED OFF MY SAFETY LIGHT. I decide I waa being stupid, so closed my eyes and tried to sleep. But then I thought, what if Jake DIDNT lock the door? So I got up and checked. HE DIDNT!!!! Any old zombie/demon/meth addict could have waltzed right in!!! Now I am REALLY freaked out so I turn on the kitchen lights. All of them. Bad things only happen in the dark. It was 2:30 am. At 4 am Sarge starts whining. Its his normal time to go out, thanks to scott getting up that early for years. so I let him and Tux out, but its raining. so when they come back in they both JOYFULLY jump in my bed WET. I left them there to enjoy it and sleep on the couch. At 5 am the water softener starts its cycle. for about a second my brain thought what is that, am I about to die? and then the other part of me thought good. Ill get some freaking rest if Im dead and then the alarm went off. And I am officially The Walking Dead.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:30:50 +0000

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