Its not only the general population but the physique and athletic - TopicsExpress


Its not only the general population but the physique and athletic communities like to only think in black n white terms when it comes to nutrition. Protein = good. The more the better even. No matter what camp you are in pretty much. Carbs = great or the devil. For some its either the best thing since sliced bread or the killer that is all around you. Fats = makes your burn more fat or making you fat. Again depending on who you speak to, fat will make you the healthiest person alive or the most unhealthy and obese person in the world. However, in actual reality and people who use logic plus understand nutrition from an individual needs point of view, the whole idology of something being generalized like that is very much misguided. So yes generally protein is always good. But you dont need to be consuming it in an excessive matter that more is better. More is only better when you are either consuming far to little for your goals/deficient for your needs. Consuming an excessive amount of protein that leads to other macronutrients being compromised is NOT good dietary balance. Now carbs and fats are neither good nor bad. Its simply about what is most appropriate for the individual and their dietary needs and body composition (and training performance) needs. However it should NEVER be a case of have as much as possible of one and as little as possible of another. It should have the right balance and if it means for some to have slightly higher carb to fat ratio (or the opposite) then thats all fine. Dietary balance that leads to achieving your goals and your individual preferences is key. As long as from overall nutritional completeness (micronutrients & fibre) it is sufficient, the minor variances of one persons macro balanced to the next is irrelevant and individual suitable (given goals etc). Dont be a macro hater or a stage 5 macro clinger. Eat in the appropriate balance which suits ALL of your individual considerations. Eat smart & flexible, not stupid & restricted.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:34:09 +0000

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