Its not the violin that makes music. It is the musician. In the - TopicsExpress


Its not the violin that makes music. It is the musician. In the hands of someone who doesnt know how to play or someone with limited skill, it doesnt matter if youre playing the worlds best violin, that violin will be limited to that persons skill. An excellent violinist can make a bad violin sound like it isnt. Heifetz was a golden example of this. Imo, I think music-making is 75 percent the musician, 25 percent the instrument. Watching this video and youll believe me~~*^U^*~~ Definitely the best interpretation. 梁祝小提琴協奏曲,目前世界樂評公認的最佳詮釋版本是中國演奏家 呂思清所演奏的,這是屬於東方人的音樂,曾經有西方小提琴家吉爾夏漢(Gil Shaham )在演奏會上演奏這個曲子被樂評家大力的批評,認為一個金髮碧眼的人沒有辦法瞭解中華文化的藝術哲學涵意,這個版本為日本小提琴家諏訪內晶子所詮釋,我認為不管是不是有只有中國人可以演奏的這種刻板印象,其實東方人有音樂天賦才能者應該都是可以演奏的, 畢竟曾經都是接受過中華藝術文化的教育薰陶. Miss Suwanai looks and plays like an absolutely graceful swan. Every movement is refined and elegant and never unnecessary. The way she opens that very beautiful pastoral Chinese theme made me imagine the rolling plains of the Chinese countryside where we then come upon two swans start to engage in a courtship dance in a pond. This theme really is my favorite part of the concerto. She is a vital bridging of the beautiful Chinese and Japanese cultures. For her to play this like she was brought up her entire life in China instead shows how these cultural barriers really mean nothing. We Asians are all brothers and sisters. It is true that the sound system was not so perfect as when the full orchestra play, it was not crystale clear of the various sector especially the percussion and the bassy effect blur off the scope of listening from the solo violin, the string group med-range. I am not a professional in music & sound but my listening power is good enough for my playing of this restructured piece of mine for my casio organ playing only the BLACK KEYS. I have no lesson for playing the organ but I did it my way for more than 20 pieces in music & songs. Listening to the Erhu with Chinese Orchestra and the Violin Concerto, both are as good but it is to individual taste of music and liking. I first listen to this original piece on old record from China in the 60s and it is my favourite. I enjoy the melody & the feeling it gives out as I saw 5 version of the Opera. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=K_qd-9wD6qA
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 14:40:00 +0000

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