Its official... Turkeys Islamist dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdogan - TopicsExpress


Its official... Turkeys Islamist dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has really botched it this time. While visiting the grief-stricken town of Soma after a mining disaster claimed 300+ local lives, a protest ensued in which locals demanded the government resign on grounds that they ignored legislature for safer working conditions proposed in parliament by rival political parties. Hiding behind the safety of two lines of police and another two lines of the military, he ironically thought it to be manly to shout boo me to my face if you have the guts at protestors who had recently lost their loved ones. As the crowds anger grew, the dictator sought refuge in a tiny market store upon when entering, was confronted by another protesting youth who he punched whilst calling him a JEWISH SPERM for some apparent reason (the youth was actually a Muslim). This is without exception RACISM AND ANTI-SEMITISM. At this time of the day when the United States of America is still awake, I would like to call on Americans to drop their political differences and ask their president (call, e-mail, hashtag) who vowed to fight racism: how does a racist dictator keep getting invited to the White House for diplomatic meetings? I want to ask the European Union, how can you negotiate membership with a leader who speaks like Hitler? I want to ask the world, how much longer must we sit and wait for help? Or will you just watch while we fall?
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 23:46:34 +0000

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