It’s amazing how many businesses do not invest in a business or - TopicsExpress


It’s amazing how many businesses do not invest in a business or executive coach. They do engage change management consultants for specific areas of improvement but they expect overnight solutions without focusing on the core issues and delivering sustainable and more empowered solutions – that is, they prefer a band-aid solution to a wound rather than discover and address how that wound arose in the first place. If we take a step back, isn’t this a classic symptom of our PNG society? Naturally we teach our children to not pursue certain behaviours because pursuing them may result in some kind of discomfort. In fact, we coach our children from birth, we coach at soccer and rugby, we even want our elite teams to have professional psychologists to bring out the best in them. Look at the Olympians, our own PNG sporting stars overseas, our Prime minister (he has strategists and consultants), look at the mining and construction companies of all the big oil and gas companies in PNG right now (the heads of all these companies, wherever they are worldwide, are more than likely to have a coach). Yet, most small businesses or SME’s do not have a business coach. I have one who lives in Australia who I skype regularly, this morning in fact was when I spoke to her last. She is amazing (I can share her details via private inbox should you desire, with her permission of course) and she helps ME get even more clear also. You see even coaches need coaches and it is usually those who think they know enough that will most probably fail in business. As I have pointed out previously, the stats worldwide go against small business survival. In fact let me repeat them from this website (businessinsider/small-business-owners-are-optimistic-2013-6). As it points out, depending on your source of info, the stats range from a 50-70% failure rate for SME’s within the first 18 months – WOW!!!!! Are you prepared to go down that path? Now naturally, you’re probably thinking, I’m not in that category but that’s like saying that up to 7 out of friends will die in the next 18 months. Wow, that’s a bit extreme Eddie you’re saying, but consider this – why are you in business or wanting to establish one? If you are like most, it’s about creating more money so you can afford to provide enhanced opportunities and experiences for yourself and your children such as holidays, a great education, travel, security through investments, safe and comfortable housing and generally a lot more certainty about life…that is the end game really. So typically if you do pursue an SME or if you have started yours, it requires 110% backing so you naturally invest EVERYTHING! If you are like most however, even after 18 months you may not have appropriate systems in place (marketing, sales, training, development etc) but you have at stake, a heap of money borrowed from the bank, your family, friends or somebody who will coming looking the minute you go out of business. This is your livelihood, your son or daughter’s future, this is the bread and butter on your table, this is IT!! This is everything! So how will that feel if you don’t survive as an SME? What would happen when that fear and uncertainty and anxiety creep in….most of us have those feelings already and have been feeling that for a while. So we struggle and break free, and eventually (after so long) start a new SME and it feels AWESOME….but then the complacency kicks in….then 18 months later…..Yes, you guessed it – you’re an SME statistic, and it feels crap! Some may say it feels like death when they lose everything, especially if they secured finance through their assets. How would you feel if you had everything at stake? In fact that’s probably is what is stopping most of you from starting right now, but it does NOT have to be like this….this is what I am emphasising here. You do not want to lose time, energy, family connection, focus and much much more of the things that really really matter to you...simply because you didn’t plan! If you know me you’ll know I’m fairly fun and energetic but I’m a fairly straight shooter. One thing I don’t do is deal in hope and prayer. Maybe intention yes, but definitely ACTION. Hope is for losers – the power of choice is your greatest weapon or asset in life. At ACL we deal in managing and reducing risk, taking calculated risks as soon as possible and amplifying what works for our clients. Risk is always out there but it can be controlled and success is definitely an option. You need to minimise your risks as an SME owner (or aspiring owner) and get with the trend. Don’t create the wheel, simply “model” what is successful for others who have tried and achieved it. Michael Jordan became good by copying of others and when mastered he set the pace. Until you are successful well after that 18 month mark you need to model, NOW! Frankly, the short of all of this is …”you need a coach from ACL” to enhance your results so it doesn’t take you 18 months to figure out what should take you maybe 18 days if you engage an experienced and powerful coach. But we all want to try before we buy so get out of your comfort zone, stop making excuses and come along to ACL’s transformation “Wealth & Success” seminar this Friday at the Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce to find out just how powerful having us on your side (as business consultants) can be – make a decision and email us right now for a registration form and stop your anxiety in its tracks! See you this Friday – I’ll show you how to LIVE TODAY! Eddie Aila, Director (ACL)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 11:35:05 +0000

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