It’s been two months since you’ve left us. It feels like a - TopicsExpress


It’s been two months since you’ve left us. It feels like a week. Tigger’s still doing fine, he’s acting like a puppy now :) it’s funny, remember how you told my dad to not get him used to table scraps? Haha, he loves them and begs during dinner time. I want to give him a haircut but everyone says it’ll get too cold for him. Princess is fine, he’s actually not so jumpy anymore…which is nice, his cage needs to get cleaned out but we’ll do that tomorrow. Sorry to say Grandma, but all of your fish died :/ We’ll get some new ones, don’t you worry. We’ll find some beautiful white gold fish like your last one, we’ll clean the tank and hopefully we can get some new rocks to go along the bottom as well :) Grandpa is fine…he’s doing good, he’s lost some weight. Ah, you would have laughed the other day, Uncle Dave came over and Grandpa asked if he had diarrhea as well! I was laughing so hard in the kitchen. We’re trying to get Grandpa into going at least once with us to the mountains so he can hear the elk, he won’t but there is always some hope, right? We cleaned the bathroom and it looks brand new! Everything is so shiny now…I’m trying to get my parents to let me get some tiles for the bathroom—I think they’d look good but my dad says their too hard to lay down. Your room came out beautifully, everyone likes it. It’s the shade of purple you wanted. There’s cows in the back field now, haven’t seen any deer out there in a while sadly. I wonder if we’ll work on the bathroom next. We laid sod down in the yard where there was that bare patch; it looks really good now, maybe next year we’ll get that cherry tree you wanted :) The pear tree didn’t give us a whole lot of fruit this year, the ones we did get are pretty good sized. It’s getting cold outside. I was able to see my breath a little while ago when I was out there. It’s been raining like mad; we still haven’t flooded like the weather man said we would. But everything is so green and pretty now :) Ah, there’s so much I still want to say Grandma. It’s amazing how much time has flown by. I’d still give anything to say goodnight to you again, I miss that. I’d love the chance, like everyone else; to give you a hug again…but…I know one day I will. I’m not going to lie, I don’t cry as often as everyone else does but I still think about you every day. Sometimes I think I see you out of the corner of my eye in the hallway like you’re on your way to the room. It’s been hard, you know, but I’m glad that I got to know you for the 20 years I’ve been alive. You’ve taught me so much and I don’t even know where to begin with thanking you for it. I love you Grandma
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 05:12:01 +0000

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