“It’s easy enough to get a woman naked in her flesh. Her - TopicsExpress


“It’s easy enough to get a woman naked in her flesh. Her clothes on the floor. Her hair damp.” Elgin laughed. “That’s easy, right, Red? You never had no trouble. Women just falling down all over Forbes Avenue for you. And most of our fool lives thats all we ever wanted, if we’re honest about it. But a woman naked in her flesh is not who the woman is. That’s only who she thinks some man wants her to be. But you get a woman to be naked in her thoughts with you. That’s different. She decides to give you that, she’s inviting you into her soul. That woman’s not afraid to be vulnerable. She got the kind of beauty that goes untouched in this world. You be grateful if you ever meet such a woman. She’s a light, and she will burn into you like you been lost your whole life, and now you been found. She don’t care where youve been, she only cares that youre here now. Such a woman only comes into your life once, though. That’s all. One time. And a woman like that, she only stays if you strong enough to be naked with your own thoughts and with giving them to her. That woman says, ‘Look at me,’ and she means something that confuses most men. When a woman becomes naked in her thoughts, she’s taking you to a secret place, and when she takes you there, she wants you to see her in the way she wants to be seen and not that simple way a man has for seeing a woman. A woman ever take you there, she blinds you to seeing any other woman. Brings a man to his knees the way a new religion does—ain’t no words for it. A woman reveals that kind of beauty to you, it bewilders you. You get stupid trying to talk about it. But what’d you expect? You think you going to see something you already knew? You think everything would stay the same? Beauty don’t work that way. Ain’t nothing simple about a woman’s beauty.”--Here Lies Memory, Volume One of the Pittsburgh Trilogy
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:25:43 +0000

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