It’s hard to feel too sorry for Boilermakers Local 154. Not only - TopicsExpress


It’s hard to feel too sorry for Boilermakers Local 154. Not only did the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers endorse Obama, but Local 154 spent the money and influence of its members pushing “clean coal”. Trying to jump on the Green bandwagon probably seemed like a clever gimmick, aside from the fact that Obama and his Green Energy minions really hate coal. Obama even said so during his first election. So what did they really think was going to happen? In the wake of recently announced coal plant closings, Pennsylvania unions are speaking out against strict federal environmental regulations. Union members held a rally Friday to protest policies aimed at promoting clean energy, but which local workers believe cripple the coal industry. “In the war on coal, we are not going to surrender, and you are the soldiers who are going to fight back,”Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Tim Murphy said to the crowd of about 150 workers outside the Boilermakers Local 154 union hall. Existing regulations plus new ones in the pipeline are projected to close more than 280 coal plants in the coming years, according to the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. “If the Obama administration fails to recognize the environmental progress the industry has made and continues to adopt more regulations, coal power could cease to exist, which would be devastating for our economy,” said Mike Duncan, the organization’s president. Which is not a problem for Obama. If instead of wasting money and energy on pushing Clean Coal, 154′s members had pushed back against Obama in a major swing state, maybe they wouldn’t be looking at the end of their jobs. The left has been successfully able to play divide and conquer with people like these. Unions for actual working people are slowly waking up to realize that their jobs and way of life are next on the wealth redistribution menu.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 05:38:59 +0000

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