Ive been asked to write a submission for the Labor Party Election - TopicsExpress


Ive been asked to write a submission for the Labor Party Election Review. Someone must think that Im in the Labor Party ... amazing ... this is what I sent back - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can waste your time reviewing and soul searching all you like. There is no mystery. Labor lost because it showed itself to be more corrupt, more contemptuous of its voter base, more out of touch with workers and more lacking in real world usable policy than the Liberal Party and its boot polisher the National Party. Craig Thomson should have been brought to court quickly. The Liberal government has declined to continue action against Thomson and that indicates that there was never enough evidence to try him. Labors leaders including the woman who put back womens equality by 50 years, Julia Gillard, did what the Liberals could not do on their own, they MADE Labor look corrupt. Craig Thomson will forever be the poster boy for corrupt union ex-officials with Labor Party endorsement WHETHER OR NOT he is actually corrupt. If the Labor parliamentary leadership had been in a real job, they would have been sacked on the Thomson affair alone. Julia Gillard thought she could do a Johnny Howard on the electorate and get away with it. There will never be a carbon tax under a government that I lead. ... That is a measure of the contempt that she has for the voter. The Labor parliamentary leadership LET HER GETAWAY WITH IT! Either they also have contempt for their voter base or they are just plain stupid. Either way, in the real world if you lie to your boss or you treat your boss with contempt, you loose your job. NOTE: We EXPECT Johnny Howard and most of the Liberal leadership to lie to the voter. We just expect more of the Labor Party. Take a lesson from Paul Keating. Lots of people dont like Paul Keating. I myself probably wouldnt invite Paul to a Bar-b-que ... Paul probably wouldnt come if I did ... But everybody respects Paul. Paul Keating told us things we didnt want to hear. Paul Keating knew he had to give us bad news as the rest of the World evolved around Australia and we had to adapt. Paul Keating never lied to us. History will show Paul Keating as one of Australias great treasurers and best Prime Ministers. Bashing the country with a carbon tax that penalizes Australians while Europeans and others put on a fraction of the amount. Did you think the costs werent going to be passed on in spades to the voter! No multi-nationals and power companies dont have a vote ... they have something much more powerful, influence over their workers, customers and all their families and friends. We may as well have voted in Bob Brown as Prime Minister. I could loose myself in the unusable policy, there is so much, but lets deal with the boat people. Clive Palmer is absolutely right, Let them come through the airport. They boarded the plane with documentation, they better get off with that documentation and let Australian Immigration check its validity and their right to be refugees or they are committing an offence. Neither Labor nor the Liberal party are fooling anyone. Boat people is a pillow you bash each other with, dont waste our time. Suggestions for a way back ... well you need to sack most and maybe all of the executive. If they had the best interests of the Party at heart they would resign. Get rid of most of your old preselected pollies. They are either tainted with corruption or stupidity. It doesnt matter which, both require they seek employment in another field. I say most because some young blood like Kate Ellis of Adelaide has shown value. Unfortunately, politicians like her are stifled having to work around people like Swan, Shorten and Albinese. If Labor has a future, and Im not convinced it does, it needs to clean the slate ... and I dont say that lightly, Im nearly 60. I expect this letter is a waste of time, but sometimes things just have to be said. Good luck to your young people, Im sure the old folk will make out fine rejoining the union movement as advisers. There is plenty of corruption in the union movement, theyll feel right at home. Maurice McGahey
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 03:23:41 +0000

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