Ive been nominated by Layla to do the 20 things about me ... Even - TopicsExpress


Ive been nominated by Layla to do the 20 things about me ... Even though Im probably the most boring person in the world and people probably know most of these facts anyway...So 1. My eyes change colour depending on the weather/my mood (from green to brown) 2. I have the biggest fear of needles ever more than anything!!! Which therefore means I have a phobia of any animal which has a sting etc 3. My natural hair colour is a mousy brown 4. My favourite colour changes ALL the time (right now its probably orange) 5. Speaking of orange ... I wear fake tan all the time because it makes me feel better 6. I buy things online to make me feel better 7. I have that many clothes/shoes I lose them all the time and I really stress out when I cant find them... I wont sit down until I have ripped the place apart to find them 8. My first ever holiday I dont remember because I was about 1 maybe? I went with my mum to see my auntie who was a holiday rep at the time ? I think ? 9. If I could go and live abroad by the ocean it would make my dreams come true 10. I may come across as materialistic but I believe the best things in life our free (like the song) 11. Theres certain things i do that are verging on being slightly OCD in fact very OCD 12. I am normally very awkward around people even if I try not to be. Im just very shy 13. If its true what they say about high school being the best years of your life then Im screwed (although this last year had probably been the best anyway so FU high school) 14. Im very good at remembering specific details about things thats people probably think are useless at the time 15. I once played a boy in a pantomime (Tiny Tim) 16. I am probably the worst combination of body types short and curvy 17. I hate when people put all soppy personal stuff about their partners on Facebook but i didnt want him to feel left out ...I love my boyfriend I would do anything for him and I know he would the same for me 18. I love my little sister so much I cant explain! She is so clever and cute its so funny! 18. I never say it but I love my family and all my extended family they are what makes me me! 19. I have got some Maori in my bloooood oh and Irish and French (No wonder Im so odd) 20. Ewww blood freaks me out .... I nominate Kellie White, Courtney Elizabeth and Shelbie Hulson
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 09:32:08 +0000

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